The Olympic Cycling Race to Watch This Weekend

After a fantastic series of road cycling events at the Rio Olympics, it is time for track cycling! The 4km Team Pursuit is the track event that captures my attention more than others, mostly because CTS Coaches have worked with two of the four teams in medal contention. A lot of cycling fans are only …

descend ride downhill

7 Ways to Ride Downhill Like A Tour de France Cyclist (And Not Die)

Descents are free speed. You spend almost every second of a bike ride pedaling and working to move forward, but the descents are your reward and your opportunity to make up time. Professional cyclists execute risky descending techniques far above the skill level of most amateurs. However, all cyclists can gain valuable insights on how …

get the most out of a power meter

4 Steps to Get the Most Out of a Cycling Power Meter

Combining quality professional coaching and a cycling power meter is the best way to improve cycling performance. Static training plans and self-coaching can be good introductions to training, but athletes quickly reach the limitations of both. Merely purchasing a cycling power meter is a step in the right direction. However, it’s important to take these …