indoor cycling ftp training zones

Are FTP and Power Training Zones Different for Outdoor and Indoor Cycling?

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“, “The Time-Crunched Cyclist”, and “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” According to a survey of CTS Athletes, about 80% of cyclists and triathletes complete at least one cycling workout per week indoors. Throughout the year, the ratio of indoor to outdoor cycling workouts varies with changes in …

when to test ftp

When and How Frequently Should You Test Your Cycling FTP?

Topics Covered In This Episode: When is a good time to test FTP? When should you NOT test your FTP? How do you know an unscheduled FTP test is warranted? How much of an FTP change (+ or -) is necessary before changing FTP values used for training ranges? What to do with your new …

How Much Can I Increase FTP, Training Zones, RPE, Wearable Tech, And More

Topics Covered In This Episode: How much can you increase your FTP in one season Rate of perceived exertion Why do we have training zones Should you use wearable technology like Whoop or Oura Ring Nils van der Poel: thoughts on his training methodology Guest Bio: Kolie Moore coaches professional, elite, and amateur athletes of …

FTP test

FTP Tests: How to perform 20-Minute, 8-Minute, and Ramp Tests

  By Chris Carmichael, CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer At the beginning of a new phase of training it is important to get a snapshot of an athlete’s current fitness so you can scale training intensities appropriately. Assessing an athlete’s Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is the most utilized method because FTP testing can be …

FTP podcast episode

How To Improve Your Cycling FTP (Functional Threshold Power)

Topics Coach Adam Pulford Covers In This Episode on Cycling FTP: How to test your FTP 2 important ways to build your FTP Establishing your training rhythm Episode Outline: Intro: The concept of a “Threshold” has many nuanced forms and definitions in the world of physiology. There’s Lactate Threshold, Onsite of Blood Lactate Accumulation, Ventilatory …

coaching case study DJ Brew

How This Cyclist Raised His FTP 35 Watts and 60-Minute Power by 50 Watts!

By Chris Carmichael, with data from Coach Adam Pulford Athletes often specialize in disciplines that favor their strengths. In cycling, some beginners recognize they have an aptitude for sprinting, or climbing, or time trialing, and that’s the aspect of the sport they focus on intently. They become “sprinters”, “climbers”, and “time trial specialists”. It makes …

Four Tips for Acing Your Next FTP Test

If progress is important to you then measuring and monitoring your performance is critical. We know, for instance, that in the first six months an athlete works with a CTS Coach, the athlete’s Functional Threshold Power (FTP) typically increases by 10%. Increased power isn’t the only way we measure success, but it is certainly an …

zone 3

Zone 3: Why, When, and How Leverage Zone 3 Training

  By Renee Eastman, CTS Premier Coach Part 3 of a series on leveraging blood lactate response in training How did Zone 3, a challenging aerobic intensity below lactate threshold, or between LT1 and LT2, get demoted to being a “grey zone” and considered a waste of training time? Well, there’s good evidence that athlete …

rescheduling peak fitness

Rescheduling Peak Fitness For An Earlier Goal Event

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “The Time-Crunched Cyclist”, “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” SBT GRVL’s date change from mid-August to June 26-29 was one of the biggest shakeups to the gravel cycling calendar for 2025. Athletes who were planning their long-range training scheduled to peak for a long gravel event in August need to …