beets nitric oxide nitrate

Which is Better: Cooked or Raw Beets? (Free Recipe Included!)

I’m going to preface this by saying I don’t like beets. I know they are packed with nutrients (including nitrates), may improve cardiovascular health, and may even increase athletic performance by boosting nitric oxide levels, but I’ve never enjoyed eating beets. So when I reached out to CTS Athlete and renowned chef Matthew Accarrino, from …

cycling in hot weather

Beat the Heat Series: PERFORM at Your Best During Hot Weather Exercise

Introduction: Heat is the enemy of endurance performance and an underlying cause for diminished performance, dehydration, heat stress, gastrointestinal distress, and impaired recovery. In this 3-part series we will provide you with the tools and information you need to PREPARE for training and events, PERFORM at your best, and RECOVER optimally when temperatures soar. Quick …


Three Unvarnished Truths About Sports Nutrition

  Recently a journalist asked me what has had the greatest impact on performance in professional cycling in the 30 years since I was a pro. A lot has changed in sports science, training, equipment, and technology since the 80s, but I think the advances that have had the greatest impact on improving athletic performance …

Bike Nutrition

Three Nutrition Mistakes That Kill Performance

By CTS Coaching Staff We spend a lot of time counseling athletes on their nutrition choices during training and competition, especially as part of the “Race Day Nutrition Planning” service offered by CTS. After doing several hundred of these planning sessions with athletes, common threads have emerged. Some of the most common nutrition mistakes we see …