weight loss

Sneaky Weight Loss Tricks That Work

  By Chris Carmichael, Founder and Head Coach of CTS For athletes seeking weight loss, the basic formula is pretty straightforward: reduce caloric intake, but not so much that you compromise training performance or recovery. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. After 30 years of looking at how athletes eat, I’m willing to bet your overall …

carmichael red pinarello

14-Day Performance Kickstart for 2020

By Chris Carmichael, Founder and Head Coach of CTS Most people who read my blog posts are year-round athletes, meaning the New Year probably is less of a cold start and more of a recommitment to training after a few months of intermittent exercise, indulgent eating, and a bit too much wine (or whiskey). To …


10 Point Action Plan for Training Success

By Chris Carmichael, Founder and Head Coach of CTS Whether you are getting ready for your first season as a cyclist or your 40th, here’s your 10-point action plan to make it a success. Make sure it’s fun Sounds obvious, but I’ve seen lots of athletes who start out having fun and end up obsessing …