TravelLight sydSchulz

Travel Light – Leave Your Excuses At Home

By Syd Schulz, CTS Athlete and Pro Athlete Packing for a race weekend is almost an art form. Should you bring that extra tire or just assume you won’t flat? Did you remember the coffee grinder, and your tooth brush? What about a pair of long pants? It might get cold at night. And extra …


Yoga for Athletes: Meditations To Unlock Your Athletic Potential

By Mara Abbott, Olympian and CTS Contributing Editor My last column covered some of the mental benefits of a regular yoga practice. Here, I take the study of yoga for athletes to a level deeper and offer a few of the ways that the philosophical origins of yoga have influenced my athletic career. I do …

ultrarunner looking down

How Much Training Time Do You Need To Run an Ultramarathon?

How Much Time Do You Really Need To Train For An Ultramarathon? Most of us are limited by time, with our ultrarunning training somehow crammed into busy lives. Taking an hour at lunch or waking up an hour earlier to get a run in is more often than not the way most normal people with …


Do Ultrarunners Need More Vitamins Than Other Athletes?

In a constant search for energy and performance, athletes tend to focus on the big macronutrients: carbohydrate, protein, and fat. They manipulate the percentage of calories from each, going from the classic endurance athlete’s high carbohydrate strategy to a Paleo-esque high-protein strategy, or even a high-fat ketogenic strategy. However, the foods we eat supply more …