
Nutrition Tracking: What I Learned and How It Improved My Performance

  Checking on your assumptions is one of the best things you can do with data. Many experienced athletes, myself included, are confident their training, recovery, and nutrition routines are solid because they were solid the last time they checked and they haven’t changed anything since. But everything has changed, maybe not in major ways, …


Do Ultrarunners Need More Vitamins Than Other Athletes?

In a constant search for energy and performance, athletes tend to focus on the big macronutrients: carbohydrate, protein, and fat. They manipulate the percentage of calories from each, going from the classic endurance athlete’s high carbohydrate strategy to a Paleo-esque high-protein strategy, or even a high-fat ketogenic strategy. However, the foods we eat supply more …

energy drink

The 6 Worst Pre-Workout Foods and Habits for Cyclists, Runners, and Triathletes

  As I travel around the country participating in a variety of events I am constantly surprised by the nutritional choices I see athletes making prior to workouts. If you want to have a great ride, hike, run, or strength workout, here are the 6 worst pre-workout foods and habits for cyclists, runners, and triathletes …