when training goes wrong

What to Do When Training Goes Wrong

  By Mara Abbott Olympian, CTS Contributing Editor   Last week, a friend sent out a distress cry on Facebook. She had been scheduled to do a long run, but her body wasn’t having it. “I did not expect to feel like I wasn’t going to make it through the run. I did not expect …

Boyd Cycling and CTS partnership

Press Release: Boyd Cycling and CTS Announce a Strategic Partnership To Provide Athletes Higher Quality Wheel Performance

(December 12, 2018) – Boyd Cycling and CTS are pleased to announce a strategic partnership beginning in 2019 that will give CTS coaches, athletes, and camp participants an opportunity to train with Boyd Cycling’s high-quality, hand built wheels. This partnership brings together a leading endurance coaching company with an innovative craft wheel manufacturer to help …

cold flu coronavirus

Immunity-Supporting Tips for Cyclists

By Mara Abbott Olympian and CTS Contributing Editor By now, I hope many of you are deep into your D40 challenge. If you missed out and haven’t started yet, it really isn’t too late – you could still either commit to a pro-rated version to boost your fitness before the New Year, or extend your own …

Andy Jones-Wilkins profile

The Golden Recipe for Success in Sport, Learning, and Life

By Andy Jones-Wilkins CTS Ultramarathon Coach Last week, at a meeting I attended with an experienced group of educational leaders, the topic of discussion eventually centered in on a very basic essential question: “What three things — skills, attributes, temperaments, whatever — do you want your students to graduate high school with?” The facilitator, knowing …