Andy Jones-Wilkins Grit

How Ultramarathon Runners Develop Grit

By Andy Jones-Wilkins, CTS Ultramarathon Coach Several years ago, I received an out-of-the-blue email from a team of researchers from the Psychology Department at the University of Pennsylvania. They had apparently picked up my name from Ultrarunning Magazine and were interested in having me participate in a study on something they were calling Grit. What is …

cold flu coronavirus

Immunity-Supporting Tips for Cyclists

By Mara Abbott Olympian and CTS Contributing Editor By now, I hope many of you are deep into your D40 challenge. If you missed out and haven’t started yet, it really isn’t too late – you could still either commit to a pro-rated version to boost your fitness before the New Year, or extend your own …

triathlon swimming

Holiday Triathlon Training Guide

By Paul Ruggiero CTS Triathlon Coach Now that the calendar has rolled to its last page, it’s a super fast sleigh ride from here to New Year’s.  Everything is crammed and accelerated during the Holiday season.  There’s not enough time for anything.  From Holiday parties to end-of-year work projects to family schedules, on top of …