3 Steps and Exercises to Get More Aero Without Any New Equipment

  Magazines are filled with dozens of pages describing and featuring slippery bikes, sleek helmets, and all manner of wheels and apparel. All of that stuff is great and shows the intense level of innovation that cycling and triathlon benefits from. But those things won’t make you faster if you’re still sitting upright like a …

Ginger Runner Podcast with CTS Coach Jason Koop

CTS Premier Coach Jason Koop is one of the top coaches in the sport of ultrarunning and whether your goal is to run 10kms or 100 miles, you should watch this Ginger Runner Podcast with Ethan Newberry. Jason provides great training information about structuring workouts, planning a competitive season, getting through your first ultra, and …

Which is Better: Pedaling More or Pedaling Less?

  If you want to go faster, should you pedal more or pedal less? It may seem like a trick question, but really it’s not. Conventional wisdom would say that pedaling more yields more power and that makes you go faster. But pedaling more also burns more energy, which can leave you without the necessary …

This Simple Change to Your Training Week Yields Big Improvements!

  By Chris Carmichael One of the most common training schedules for amateur cyclists is the 4-day Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun plan. It’s a great plan for a couple reasons: four workouts a week provides enough consistency to keep you moving forward, you can generate enough weekly workload to see continued improvement, and there are three rest/recovery days …

Do These 12 Things To Have a Great Cycling Season

  As the days start to get noticeably longer and winter starts to give way to spring it’s time for training to get more specific and goal-oriented. The heart of the season is approaching quickly and now is the time to get organized. Here’s your punchlist of the top ways you can ensure that this …