ultrarunners group circle

Top 4 Endurance Training Takeaways from 2017

  By Jason Koop CTS Coaching Director Author, “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” As the year draws to a close the ultrarunning coaches and I have been reviewing our year, just as we do with our athletes and we hope you’re doing for yourself. This year has been all about growth, not necessarily in terms of …

goals accomplished

5 Key Steps for Creating Effective Goals

The best way to get a great start for 2019 is to set goals that inspire you (and scare you a bit). To help you do that, here are some of the steps I take athletes through when working with them on their goals. Name a Dream Goal you’re passionate about Dream goals define the …

Halo Sport

Halo Neuroscience Partners With Carmichael Training Systems To Help Athletes Improve Performance

Halo Neuroscience Partners With Carmichael Training Systems To Help Athletes Improve Performance (December 11, 2017) // Halo Neuroscience (Halo) and Carmichael Training Systems (CTS) have announced a partnership that will allow CTS coaches, athletes, and camp participants to accelerate training improvements by Neuropriming with Halo Sport—the first headset designed to induce hyperplasticity in the brain’s …

woman divebomb pushup

5 Great No-Equipment Strength Exercises for Cyclists, Triathletes, and Runners

  For time-crunched athletes who have limited time to train, going to a gym just doesn’t fit into the schedule. Similarly, many endurance athletes don’t really want to purchase and gather all the necessary equipment to perform strength training exercises at home. As I’ve explained in previous posts, however, strength training is an important component …