carmichael red pinarello

14-Day Performance Kickstart for 2020

By Chris Carmichael, Founder and Head Coach of CTS Most people who read my blog posts are year-round athletes, meaning the New Year probably is less of a cold start and more of a recommitment to training after a few months of intermittent exercise, indulgent eating, and a bit too much wine (or whiskey). To …


10 Point Action Plan for Training Success

By Chris Carmichael, Founder and Head Coach of CTS Whether you are getting ready for your first season as a cyclist or your 40th, here’s your 10-point action plan to make it a success. Make sure it’s fun Sounds obvious, but I’ve seen lots of athletes who start out having fun and end up obsessing …

mara abbott

My Wishes for Cyclists in 2020

By Mara Abbott Olympian and CTS Contributing Editor Each year since 2008, when I began working with my CTS Coach Dean Golich, I consider myself fortunate to be a part of this community. As we head through the holiday season and into 2020, these are my wishes for the rest of my CTS family in …