Cycling Base Training Do’s and Don’ts for Amateur and Masters Cyclists

  Throughout the Time-Crunched Cyclist books, I have argued against traditional base training because it is incompatible with the busy lifestyles of so many athletes. Traditional low-intensity base training works, but very few full-time working parents can increase training time to 12-20 hours/week for 2-3 months. A well-structured program of short, high-intensity intervals works, too, …

goals accomplished

5 Key Steps for Creating Effective Goals

The best way to get a great start for 2019 is to set goals that inspire you (and scare you a bit). To help you do that, here are some of the steps I take athletes through when working with them on their goals. Name a Dream Goal you’re passionate about Dream goals define the …

5 Great No-Equipment Strength Exercises for Cyclists, Triathletes, and Runners

  For time-crunched athletes who have limited time to train, going to a gym just doesn’t fit into the schedule. Similarly, many endurance athletes don’t really want to purchase and gather all the necessary equipment to perform strength training exercises at home. As I’ve explained in previous posts, however, strength training is an important component …