Love it!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Love the training plans and the Training Peaks tracking has really helped me understand if I am meeting the intent of the session and see how I am progressing over time! Would really love to see more activity/videos/conversation in the Circle app. Really miss having more of a community aspect.

Perfect structured Plans

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Now I have got a master plan for the whole year. Structured plans are organising my different trainings phases much better than before. Sometimes I do small adjustments for my personal needs but I feel much fitter than before. Specifically after the tapering I feel strong and relaxed ready for the race .


Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I was not looking really for coach, but more latest training programs that leans more towards 80/20 or shall we call it polarised currently. Base is all sweet spot, that ruined my 2021 season with base training. Weight training plans are too easy, entry level…you can hire me to design you proper weight sessions :))) …

Onward and Upward!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

TrainRight is giving me the structure, feedback and support to reach for my goals! The community gives me the inspiration and encouragement to keep going! I am 52 but definitely feel like I have a world of trails ahead of me to finish strong.

It works

Javier Sanchez Leave a Comment

Good plans, and fair advice from the coaches. I wish that the plans are not tied to a Premium account of Training Peaks.

This is perfect for me

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

It’s given me the structure and accountability I needed. Being able plug the training plans in and getting the daily emails from Training Peaks has made me much more consistent with my training. It’s gotten me out of riding in the dreaded “orange zone” and feeling burnt out all the time.

So far, so good!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I’ve just been a member for about a month or so, but so far I believe I am getting value from the membership. I see some new training plans were just released, and I am excited to take a look to see what’s there. Let’s see how it goes in the coming months! Please check …


Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I was a CTS athlete for many years Recently I’ve gotten back to training and turned to CTS for help getting it right.

An Early Review

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I’ve been using TR for al most a month, and so far so good. No complaints at all, and even recommend to try it yourself.


Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I really enjoy Training Peaks a great tool. You do a very good job trying to educate your runners and cyclists. Your depth of training plans is your biggest weakness.