FredSchmid NationachampMTB2015

5 Things Athletes Need to Know in Your 40s, 50s, and Into Your 80s!

By Chris Carmichael I am a cyclist in my mid-50s and I spend a lot of time riding with athletes up to 30 years younger and 25 years older than me.  People ask me about the impact of age on endurance athletes, and here’s what I tell them: Your potential declines, but your ability to maximize …

cycling cornering skills

The 6 Keys to Great Training and Big Improvements

There are a lot of athletes who do not train to win races. Many train because they enjoy being fit and performing at their best in non-competitive events like cycling tours, charity rides, or the local group ride. Still more train because of the role being fit and active and engaged in sport plays in …


Snowstorm Indoor Cycling Training Plan

Make the Most of Two Days Stuck Indoors Out west the Sierras and Rockies got pummeled by snow earlier this week, and this weekend it’s the East Coast’s turn. Across the northern half of the US, and maybe some parts of the south, a lot of cyclists and triathletes are going to be spending the …

Year Review 2016

Chris Carmichael’s List of the “Best of 2016”

  My social media feeds are full of people lamenting how horrible 2016 was, but from where I’m sitting the past twelve months were AWESOME! I am a big believer in taking time to recognize and appreciate goals you have accomplished and feats you have achieved. Some people are too quick to dismiss or gloss …

Old Man Speed

How to Boost Your Old Man or Woman Speed

When it comes to pure speed and power, younger athletes usually beat out us older athletes, but that doesn’t mean they always come out on top. Many young cyclists don’t have the experience to put all that power to good use.  I’m going to share with you a few of the lessons I’ve learned over …

2016Gift Guide

The Ultimate 2016 Gift Guide for Endurance Athletes

  Athletes are hard to purchase gifts for (just ask your significant other). Most people who are not athletes have no idea what you might need, enjoy, or actually use. That’s why you get things like runner wind chimes or a bicycle-shaped corkscrew. Those poor gift givers know you are into endurance sports and want …