get the most out of a power meter

4 Steps to Get the Most Out of a Cycling Power Meter

Combining quality professional coaching and a cycling power meter is the best way to improve cycling performance. Static training plans and self-coaching can be good introductions to training, but athletes quickly reach the limitations of both. Merely purchasing a cycling power meter is a step in the right direction. However, it’s important to take these …

Why Can’t I Sleep After a Hard Workout or Race?

Here’s a scenario a ton of athletes experience, but few talk about: The night after finishing a big endurance competition or a long and strenuous workout, you lie awake in bed or toss and turn despite being thoroughly exhausted. Your sleeplessness may be compounded by feeling like you are radiating heat or you can feel/hear …

Optimizing Workout Nutrition for Hot Weather

It’s Saturday morning and it’s going to be 85 degrees by 9:00AM, or maybe you have a workout or race scheduled for the afternoon when it will be really hot. It’s nice to say things like “exercise when it’s cooler”, but sometimes busy athletes have to get out there when they can, even if that …

How to Master the Mental Side of Winning

By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach and co-author of “The Time-Crunched Cyclist” Anytime you see a group of athletes lined up at a starting line it’s important to realize that large percentage of them have already lost the race. It has nothing to do with their fitness or nutrition, but rather what’s going on in …

pacing for endurance event

Pacing for Endurance Events: 6 Things You Need to Know

With more athletes entering extremely long endurance events, we spend a lot of time educating athletes on pacing strategies. Last weekend, one of CTS Coach Renee Eastman’s athletes provided a master class on long-distance pacing as he rode his way to a second-place finish in the Solo Men category of the 18 Hours of Fruita …