coffee brevard busche

The Best Coffee Facts for Cyclists

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“, “The Time-Crunched Cyclist” Coffee has long been engrained in cycling culture. Many group rides start, end, or sometimes include stops at coffee shops. Coffee-related companies have sponsored some of the most iconic teams in the sport’s history, including Eddy Merckx’s 1969 Tour winning Faema team, …

training for a century ride

How to Train for Your First Century Ride

Long rides can be intimidating for newer riders, but they don’t need to be. Training for a century ride is one of the most common cycling goals. With some patience, practice, and consistency on the bike, anyone can develop the fitness, skills, and confidence to achieve this milestone. Here’s a guide on how to train …

heart rate variability for cyclists

New Heart Rate Variability Recommendations for Cyclists

In an era when athletes are inundated with data from power meters and wearable sensors, it’s important to be selective about the data you pay attention to. Not all data is equally valuable, nor are all sensors accurate and consistent enough to provide data worth listening to. Of the options available, heart rate variability for …

cycling seated and standing

Cyclists: Seated and Standing Climbing Mechanics to Ride Uphill Faster

A cyclist’s speed going uphill is the product of power, weight, and technique. The first two get the lion’s share of the attention, but the last one can make a huge difference in how comfortable, confident, and economical you are on climbs. Improving your body position for seated climbing and standing climbing on the bike …


Trainright Guide to Gravel Racing and Training

There’s a whole world of adventure on the other side of that “pavement ends” sign. More cyclists than ever are riding and racing on gravel roads. Registration for popular gravel events sells out in minutes, so committing to show up at the start line can often take 10-12 months of planning. The training, equipment, and …

cycling skills indoor cyclists

Outdoor Cycling Skills for Indoor Cyclists

The gamification of indoor cycling is closing the gap between indoor and outdoor experiences, but cyclists who spend a lot of time riding inside need to hone their handling skills when they venture out into the real world. Gravity, wind resistance, and traction are all real and waiting to beat you up. Consistent training leads …

training in extreme cold

Can Training in Extreme Cold Permanently Hurt Your Lungs?

Reviewed by Jason Koop, Head Coach of CTS Ultrarunning You’re right, you’re not going to “freeze your lungs”… however, exercising and competing in extreme environmental conditions can have a long lasting negative impact on your lung health. Every winter runners, cyclists, and triathletes flood social media feed covered in various forms of human icicles, temperatures …

cts coaching principles

Key Principles Professional Coaches Use to Change Lives and Develop Champions

In an era when algorithms amplify gimmicks and 7-second soundbites, athletes are inundated with contradicting and confusing messages about how coaching works. Some athletes fail to see the difference between a professional coach and a hobbyist whose main qualifications are their own competitive results. As of this year, I have worked for CTS for half …

pre-race meal

Pre-Workout and Pre-Race Meals: What, When, and How Much to Eat

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author “The Time-Crunched Cyclist” and “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” One of the most frequent questions our coaches get is, “What should I eat before my race/workout?” In reality, the answer they’re seeking has additional components. It’s not just what to eat, but how much to eat and when …

headlamp for trail running

How to Choose a Headlamp for Trail Running and Ultrarunning

Running in the dark is a big part of being an ultramarathon runner. Either during events or during training runs that begin before sunrise and/or end after sunset, you’re going to find yourself on a trail in the dark. Carrying a light with the right combination of style, brightness, battery life, and other features is …