Dr. Allen Lim

Dr. Allen Lim Is The Voice Of Reason Your Training Needs

About this episode: In this week’s episode, we interview the founder of Skratch Labs, Dr. Allen Lim, and talk with him about “embracing the suck,” self-care, training consistency, and his approach to nutrition. Guest Bio – Dr. Allen Lim: Dr. Allen Lim received his doctorate from the Applied Exercise Science Laboratory in the Department of …

Christie Aschwanden

Christie Aschwanden: The Strange Science Of Recovery

About This Episode: In this week’s episode, we delve into the confusing world of sports recovery with acclaimed science journalist Christie Aschwanden, exploring some of the key takeaways from her book Good to Go: What the Athlete in All of Us Can Learn from the Strange Science of Recovery. Guest Bio – Christie Aschwanden: Christie …

Gina Lucrezi Trail Sisters

Gina Lucrezi: Empowering Women Trail Runners

About this episode: In this week’s episode, we interview ultrarunner and Trail Sisters founder, Gina Lucrezi, and talk with her about the Trail Sisters trail running community and growing female participation in the sport through inspiration, education, and empowerment. Guest Bio – Gina Lucrezi: Gina has always been stubborn and bold, so when it came …

Alex Hutchinson Endure Podcast

Exploring The Elastic Limits Of Human Performance With Alex Hutchinson

About This Episode: In this week’s episode, we take a deep dive into award-winning journalist Alex Hutchinson’s latest book, Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance, and talk about how athletes can apply some of the book’s findings to their own training. Guest Bio – Alex Hutchinson: Alex Hutchinson (@sweatscience) is a …

Dean Karnazes Podcast Image

Dean Karnazes: When You Get To Where You’re Going, Keep Going

About this episode: In this week’s episode, we interview Ultramarathon Man, Dean Karnazes, and talk with him about setting big goals, inspiring yourself and staying motivated, and cover tips for runners looking to try out trail running and even make the leap to ultramarathons. Guest Bio – Dean Karnazes: TIME magazine named him one of …

TrainRight Podcast cover art

Introducing: The TrainRight Podcast

Welcome to the TrainRight podcast, presented by CTS, a podcast about furthering human performance in endurance sports. Former pro cyclist, Olympian, coach, and visionary entrepreneur Chris Carmichael founded CTS 20 years ago as the first world-class online coaching solution built to deliver results to pro and amateur endurance athletes. Chris and his team of 50+ …