tracking training

Tracking Training for Trail and Ultramarathon Runners

  Prescribing and tracking workload and work rate are essential components of effective training, for any endurance sport. Cyclists have it easiest because power meters directly measure mechanical work. Runners who stick to generally flat and smooth terrain have well-researched calculations for workload and work rate based on pace and weight. The problem is, those …

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Lactate and Cancer Risk: The Role of Strenuous Exercise

  Twitter isn’t all bad. This week I was scrolling through my feed and came upon a post from Inigo San Millan, an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Director of the Sports Performance Program at the CU Sports Medicine and Performance Center in Boulder, Colorado. The headline that caught …


Support Tips for Cycling Events

  Great race support can be the difference between finishing and chalking up a DNF, or the difference between having an incredible experience and a forgettable one. In the next few months CTS will be supporting athletes at a variety of events, including Breck Epic, Haute Route Rockies, Leadville 100 (MTB and Run), Rebecca’s Private Idaho …

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Breaking Barriers: How to Achieve More Than You Think is Possible

While most of America slept last night, Lelisa Desisa, Eliud Kipchoge and Zersenay Tadese attempted to run a marathon in 1:59:59 or faster. The official International Association of Athletics Federations (IAFF) World Record for men is 2:02:57, set by Kenya’s Dennis Kimetto at the 2014 Berlin Marathon. Sports scientists and the running community have long debated …