Andy Jones-Wilkins profile

The Golden Recipe for Success in Sport, Learning, and Life

By Andy Jones-Wilkins CTS Ultramarathon Coach Last week, at a meeting I attended with an experienced group of educational leaders, the topic of discussion eventually centered in on a very basic essential question: “What three things — skills, attributes, temperaments, whatever — do you want your students to graduate high school with?” The facilitator, knowing …

jason koop many steps cleaner air

Taking (Many) Steps for Cleaner Air

By Jason Koop CTS Coach, author of “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” I’m giving up my Subaru. Like many Coloradans, I own a Subaru Outback. I love my Outback and it’s easy to see why so many Coloradoans and other adventurers own them. They are a good value, practical, fuel efficient, reliable, and have all wheel …

traveling with bikes

Do’s and Don’ts of Traveling with Bikes

  By Syd Schulz CTS Pro Athlete I recently got back from a three-week trip to Europe for the final two Enduro World Series races. Between my husband and me, we had two giant bike bags, two checked bags and carry-ons. All told, something close to 300 pounds of gear (luckily the airlines forgot to …