
Muscle Cramps: Causes and Remedies Based on Latest Science

By Corrine Malcolm, CTS Coach When it comes to cramping, especially exercise-associated muscle cramping (EAMC) almost everyone has a story. A story about that one time, in that one race, where that one muscle seized. Exercise-associated muscle cramps are defined as painful spasms, and involuntary contractions of skeletal muscles that occur during or immediately post …

fat adaptation

3 Hottest Topics for Ultrarunners: Strength Training, Downhill Repeats, and Fat Adaptation

By Jason Koop, Head Coach of CTS Ultrarunning Earlier this week, I was invited to a compare-and-contrast interview with another ultrarunning coach that eventually would become the subject of an article. Over the years, I have come to enjoy these types of discussions and debates with coaches both inside and outside of CTS. Particularly when …

Press Release: Olympic and Paralympic Cycling Coach Craig Griffin Rejoining CTS

For Immediate Release  Olympic and Paralympic Cycling Coach Craig Griffin Rejoining CTS (June 12, 2019 – Colorado Springs) – Premier endurance coaching company CTS is happy to announce that renowned cycling coach Craig Griffin is returning to reconnect with his passion for coaching individual athletes. The former USA Cycling Coach of the Year and US …

running with music

Running with Music: Why Ultramarathon Runners Shouldn’t

By Jason Koop, Head Coach of CTS Ultrarunning I’ve done a lot of things in my nearly 20-year coaching career. I have worked with all types of athletes from team sports, cycling, triathlon, as well as ultrarunning. I’ve seen athletes through thick and thin, wins, losses, PRs and DNFs. Along the way, I’ve given out …