coaching case study DJ Brew

How This Cyclist Raised His FTP 35 Watts and 60-Minute Power by 50 Watts!

By Chris Carmichael, with data from Coach Adam Pulford Athletes often specialize in disciplines that favor their strengths. In cycling, some beginners recognize they have an aptitude for sprinting, or climbing, or time trialing, and that’s the aspect of the sport they focus on intently. They become “sprinters”, “climbers”, and “time trial specialists”. It makes …

cycling fixes

5 Cycling Fixes to Go Faster

By Chris Carmichael, Founder and Head Coach of CTS I hate wasting energy and it bothers me to no end to see athletes do things that are self-defeating. You spend so much precious time and effort developing fitness and building your capacity to produce power, and then you waste that fitness through poor decision making …

Coach Adam St. Pierre

Inside The Elite Athlete-Coach Relationship With Adam St. Pierre

About this episode: In this week’s episode, Hillary talks with her CTS coach Adam St. Pierre about the athlete-coach relationship and about coming back from serious injury. Episode Highlights: Inside the elite athlete-coach relationship Recovering from serious injury Using injury as an opportunity to explore other passions Guest Bio – Adam St. Pierre: Adam St. …

cycling interval training

The Guide To Effective Cycling Interval Training

By CTS Senior Coach Maddison Russell Cycling interval training can be a powerful tool to increase speed, power, and endurance on the bike. Unfortunately, many cyclists view interval training as a complicated and downright scary concept. As a result, they steer clear of interval workouts in their training plan entirely. Often, cyclists assume that interval …