Membership review

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

For me personally I would like to see some content and a training plan for xc mountain bikers. I have been a long time fan of CTS advice and articles. I think your membership is a great idea and suits my Work and family circumstances. Thanks

Timing & Specificity

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I chose the Climbing 7-9hr/week program because I had been planning a trip to CO to challenge myself on longer climbs. I do most of my training indoors on my Kickr and with Zwift. I was excited by the first week workouts and 6 min above FTP efforts – which I’d never completed before! I …

Improved my climbing!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I’m not a competitive cyclist but I’ve been wanting to improve fitness and specifically my climbing. The climbing training blocks and additional workouts included in the membership have made it super easy for me to know what workouts to do and improve my power on climbs. My work schedule changes a lot so I also …

TrainRight Membership – Best deal ever!!!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Great value to start with a premium Training peaks membership – I found the training blocks that best suited my training, pluged them in to training peaks and off I went. I also like the variety of specific traing blocks available. To top it off, the ability to sign up for a live cast with …

Great Value

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I like that I get access to both the training plans and TrainingPeaks. I feel like it gives me the direction and tools I need to track my progress and feel confident that I’m doing the right workouts.