Adam is THE man!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Adam met me exactly where I was in my journey to becoming an Ultra athlete! My schedule was pretty restrictive, but he worked with me to make a massive jump from having run only 1 official marathon to running 100 miles! 11/10 would recommend Adam to anyone looking to level up their running.

What a difference

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I’ve spent a lot of time training and have run 100 marathons and ultras but haven’t used a coach. I wanted some help to improve my races and lessen the tough times in these races. After a couple of months I can see the improvement. The big races are coming up and I’m really looking …

From DNF to Sub-24

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Last year working solo I managed to pull off two separate DNFs, first at Antelope Canyon 100 and then at San Diego 100. Poor planning, poor adaptation, poor nutrition. I decided to turn things around with a coach. First coach I found raised all the red flags you hear about on the KoopCast – excel …

Wish I’d signed with my coach sooner!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Working with Frederic has been simple. We don’t have many online meetings- we don’t need. We just have quick catch up messages via WhatsApp which works well for me. Since joining up with Frederic my fitness has improved significantly- see the attached photo. I feel stronger and fitter and Frederic is helping me train for …

I wish I’ve started with Nicole sooner!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Nicole met me exactly where I was at with my ultramarathon training. Having not had a very positive experience with my previous coaches and coming off the back of an overwhelmingly busy few years, I felt ready to prioritise my training and wanted a coach who I could trust to be in my corner. I …

My coach is great :)

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Nicole helps me stay consistent, answers my questions, provides feedback and gives me more confidence in completing my goals.

Coach Fitz has been fantastic to work with!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Working with Coach Fitz has been a fantastic experience and I’ve definitely seen improvements in my running, racing and fitness in the 6 months he has been my coach. The knowledge he has on the sport and training that he has relayed to me on our coaching calls is invaluable. I look forward to working …

Love working with Ryne

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

My coach has helped me immensely, I’m really enjoying working with him. He reviews my files, gives me feedback and provides quality advice for workouts. We have a call every 2 weeks and I really feel like he’s on my team. Couldn’t say enough good things about working with Ryne to-date.

Enjoy working with Nicole.

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Helping structure my workouts and educating me on nutrition. I also appreciate that she has taken the time to get to know me which I think helps with my overall training. Looking forward to continuing with Nicole.