Jason: Much More than a Coach

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I have had the privilege of working with Jason since January 2011. I was training for Leadville, and given the race demands, I needed a structured training plan and an accountability partner to see me through the race and beyond. Working with Jason I completed the 2011 Leadville in 10 hours and then again in …

I had to fire Koop

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I talked to Koop for prob less than 30 min in May. Then same in June. Little if any commentary on my work outs via TP I was hurt and instead of running I did have to walk some 2 and 3 hr work outs. It was not noticed at all when it was updated …

Nothing but good to report here.

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

So far, things have been a bit slow due to an injury but I am expecting them to start picking up soon. Patrick has been great throughout this injury. When I first signed up I was thinking it was something minor we can get through then focus on improving fitness. It turned out to be …

I Continue To Love Working With Matt

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Matt has helped with motivation, analysis of workouts and equipment choices. But the real thing I love about Matt: he’s very human. He gets that much as we’d like it to be true, most of us have to fit cycling around life instead of the reverse. Matt has continued to coach me to better riding …


Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

In many ways: Building up to my first 50 miler Building to my first 50 KM Many consultations Great feedback Awesome and creative programs

The amount of fitness I’ve gained

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

The amount of fitness I’ve gained since I started working with Koop vs. programming for myself (and putting a lot into it) is almost comical. In my mind/experience, he is unequivocally the best.

Training program of benefit

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Since commencing my program with Clayton in October I have clearly become a stronger rider. That is the bottom line. I have accomplished a number of my cycling goals for 2021 and a few others I believe are within reach I just need to pick the day to go out and make it happen. As …

Love my Coach!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I love Coach Koop. I haven’t been working with him long enough to actually have any race results yet, but I love his “no BS, let’s get it done” approach and how he handles my training. If my training has had any lulls, it’s all on me. However, if I am going through lack of …

My coach is excellent!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Wow… what I can say. With Chantelle coming into my life as a coach it has made a huge impact on my achievements. Of note were the following that was made possible by the precise programming; HK4TUC, Chang Rai, Dragons Back Race, and last man standing in Singapore.