Enjoying the ramp up

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I am trying Reid’s patience with electronics. We really haven’t progressed past getting TP & Garmin working. Hoping I am past that. I am working the plans Reid has sent. I do travel a bit which has also been a challenge also. Feeling some benefit. Not as such value as I thought possible. Again it’s …

Great Coaching!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I have improved my training tremendously. I am encouraged to squeeze out more training time from my schedule. Clayton is realistic, and encouraging. I improved my time at my last event to the best I’ve done in about 5 years.

Noah Is a Great Coach

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

He has given me a training plan and held me accountable. He always comments on my training and gives me suggestions. I had no expectations on how much I would improve but knew if there was no one pushing me then I would not ride in the hot humid conditions here in Atlanta. For that …

Good Dude

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I’ve been working with Josh for a couple months and found Josh is great about responding when I send a request for assistance. He is knowledgeable and friendly. The friendly part is important to me, but might not matter for a lot of people. Josh seems to genuinely care about my needs. His cycling knowledge …

Trust your training.

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I have nothing but positive things to say about coaching with Andy. From January to May my training with my previous coach had been flat. Too much volume, no intensity. Fitness CTL was stalled. Since the switch to CTS and training with Andy my CTL fitness has greatly increased. The big surprise is that we …

I’m improving thanks to Coach

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Stephanie has been very helpful: – Emphasizing the importance of leg treatment, specifically stretching and massage. I had a knee issue for months, and after some ideas and encouragement from her, my knee is as healthy as it’s been in awhile. – She keeps me accountable – without a coach, I wouldn’t be getting out …

Annual review for coach Russell

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Maddison has made a positive impact in my overall health. I truly believe that having a coach to be accountable has added years on to my career as a surgeon. My biking performance has improved year to year. Below is a summary of positives and areas that could be improved upon for Maddison. Positives. 1. …

Duncan is a great coach

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I’m kind of a challenge, 61 years old, trying to transition from being a cyclist for over 35 years to going after some ultra running goals I set. My body isn’t built for running, so I’ve been fighting injuries ever since I had this vision quest, and ultimately I wasn’t able to complete the big …