Strength Training: Best Back Exercises for Cycling
Cycling does a lot of great things for your body, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t sometimes a pain in the neck… or shoulders… or back. Back pain is one of the most common complaints we hear from cyclists, whether new or experienced, young or old. Strength training and stretching can significantly reduce lower back pain associated with cycling. To get you started, here are some practical tips and effective back exercises for cycling.
Your back isn’t just your back
No part of your body operates in isolation, least of all your back. As the crucial link between your powerful legs and your upper body, your entire core has a lot of work to do. When you develop back pain from cycling but are generally pain-free during activities of daily living, you have to consider the whole system – hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, glutes, core muscles, spinal extensors, and on up into the upper body.
Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is a sign there’s something or several different things wrong, but the solution is often difficult to pinpoint. As a result, the back exercises for cycling included later in this article are purposely conservative because – depending on the person – aggressive exercises can matters worse instead of better.
Bike Fit and Physical Therapy for back pain
To really get to the bottom of bike-related back pain, your best bet is to invest in professional help from a bike fit specialist and a physical therapist (or a physical therapist who is also well trained in bike fit). An examination can reveal how you move, what muscles may be underdeveloped, and what limitations you currently have in range of motion.
Bike fit and physical therapy work well together. Initially, your bike fit will reflect your current condition. If you have tight hamstrings you may sit on the bike with your pelvis posteriorly rotated, which will result in a more upright cycling position. If you have tight hip flexors your pelvis may be – or want to be – anteriorly rotated, and you may benefit from a saddle with a cutout to reduce pressure on your perineum.
As you work to increase range of motion and address muscle imbalances, your cycling position will likely change, hopefully to the point you are able to keep a more neutral spine and use core muscles to support a greater portion of your upper body weight. Your sore shoulders and numb hands may be partly due to forcing your arms and shoulders to hold up almost the entire weight of your upper body, particularly as you get tired during long rides.
Bodyweight or Heavy Weight Exercises?
When it comes to strength training, the best back exercises for cycling activate the entire posterior chain. Squats and deadlifts are the classic exercises that come to mind for most people. Renee Eastman, a longtime CTS Coach and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist made a great point to me, saying, “The problem is, you can only lift the amount of weight tolerated by the weakest link in the chain, and in many cyclists the lower back is that weakest link.” As a result, cyclists who are inexperienced with squats and deadlifts, and overconfident about the amount of weight they can handle, can end up with more back pain instead of a stronger back.
Make no mistake; those classic exercises are excellent and highly effective, as long as you know how to do them properly. The exercises described below are more conservative, but also highly effective for strengthening your weakest link so you are better prepared for heavier weights later on.
Back Exercises for Cyclists
There are hundreds of different exercises you can use to strengthen your back and reduce back pain. The back exercises for cycling described here are a good representation of the types that work well for cyclists, but they are by no means the only exercises you can or should do.
Suspension Bridge with Banded Reach
This isometric hold, with the hamstrings under tension and greater hip extension than traditional bridges, is a great way to strengthen your posterior chain. To get into the starting position, lie flat on your back with knees bent slightly. Dig your heels into the floor while lifting hips and keeping your knees bent. Now, apply tension as if you are trying to pull your heels toward your butt, and hold. Work up to a 30 sec hold. You can leave arms at your sides, palms up (to resist pushing into the ground). For a more advanced version of this exercise, lift and hold your hands straight above your chest, with a resistance band around both hands. Press your hands outward to maintain tension on the band throughout.
Psoas Release
The goal of this back exercise for cycling is to release the psoas in a non “stretching” way. In other words, this is a more passive way to release a tension. Because the psoas muscle has attachment points from the femur and along the low back, reducing tension and facilitating a stretch can help with low back tension. Really nice to do this one after a kneeling runner’s stretch.
Strap Stretch
This is a nice stretch that focuses on the hamstrings, adductors and hips. It that can help reduce and relieve tension in tight muscles in the area that can contribute to low back tension and tightness.
Deadbug – Opposites Extension
Lie face up on ground with arms pointing to the ceiling and hips and knees both flexed to 90 degrees so your feet are in the air, kind of like a dead bug (hence the name for this exercise). Engage your core and slowly lower one arm above your head while straightening the opposite leg.
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It is important to keep your core muscle engaged during this exercise so your back doesn’t arch and lift off the floor. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm and leg. Don’t worry if you can’t fully extend your arm and leg so they hover just above the floor. You’ll get there, and it’s more important to stop before your back arches. Complete two sets of 15-20 reps on each side.
Braced Deadbug
The Braced Deadbug exercise can create a nice progression from the exercise above. Using a small ball, thick towel, or some other item of similar size that has a “sturdy squish” to it, come into a supine position where you would start a standard Deadbug exercise. Place the ball (or similar) against one quad and press the arm of the same side against the ball, creating tension as you press into the ball and the leg maintains opposite pressure. Keep your low back on the ground at all times and do not arch your back. Extend the arm and leg of the non-braced side, pause, and bring back together. Repeat for 10-12 reps on once side before switching sides.
Bird Dog
Start on all fours with your arms directly under your shoulders, knees under your hips, and your back straight. Engage your core to keep your spine in a neutral position and lift one arm in front of you as you simultaneously lift the opposite leg straight back. Lift both your arm and leg until they are level with your back, but don’t aim to lift higher than that. Instead, reach with both your arm and leg as if you’re trying to touch two walls just out of reach.
Reverse the movement to return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm and leg. Complete two sets of 15-20 reps to each side.
These exercises will not magically eliminate lower back pain, but will start you down the path toward building a stronger and more fatigue-resistant back. For a more comprehensive plan, consult coach or your physical therapist. Either professional will incorporate additional exercises as well as stretches to improve range of motion.
Special thanks to Sarah Scozzaro, CTS Expert Coach, NSCA-PT, NASM PES for contributing her expertise and recommendations for this article.
Chris Carmichael
CEO/Head Coach of CTS
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Comments 15
How about neck and shoulder pain. I experience on my longest efforts 5-10 hour events. I’ve had a retul bike fit and I’m working on neck and shoulder strength and mobility work but wondering if there are other fixes.
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If anyone is interested as well, it may be a bit outdated, but there’s a good book out there called Tom Danielson’s Core Advantage. It has a few of these exercises in it, and maybe a few of the stretches.
Please describe the psoas release. I don’t understand it from just viewing the video.
Thank you.
We keep getting more complicated with our solutions. Basic stiff-legged deadlifts are not only wonderful for strength, but are also natural stretches for the whole back. They’ve worked for me and many other athletes for 50 years and are nice and basic. Enjoy!
Is there a printable version of these exercises and the pictures as they show on this page?
Excellent article with lots of good advice. Further to your suggestion to consult a “physical therapist who is also well versed in bike fit”: google “bike pt” to find the US organization that trains and certifies practitioners in both disciplines, with a search function to find a certified professional near you. Two years ago, pain and weakness in my upper back and shoulders had taken all the joy out of cycling. I found a gold certified bike pt pro who showed me how to fix the problems and keep them from coming back. The key is consulting one person who is expert in both disciplines.
Good article, thanks. Three years ago, I herniated a disc in a cross race. The injury happened on a Sunday and it was so bad I had an operation on Wednesday. While recovering I found the attached exercises. I’m a Landscaper and I thought I had a strong back, but after doing these exercises, I found out I did not. I’m a competitive Mtn Biker and in three years I have not had to sit up to stretch my back which I used to do regularly. I recommend these all the time and everyone has the same outcome.
Pingback: Top 5 Post-Ride Stretches for Cyclists - Chris Carmichael
Nice article. This spring, I added 2 pilates classes a week to my life routine and have found them extremely beneficial for the entire body. I started back in the gym this fall and am pleasantly surprised by the improvement in movement and strength. Typically as the lifting periodization progresses (heavier weights) I move from squats to the leg press. My gym has added a hack squat machine. Would you recommend the traditional leg press over hack squats? I am a 51 year old female. As always thank you for the articles, inspiration, and expertise.
Great basic exercises! I have been a fitness coach for over 20 years and have seen numerous cyclists and other athletes with low back pain and I start with exercises just like these. For some it is a rude awaking that they often can’t execute the exercises properly which shows them they are week in their core.
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The conservative approach to exercises, if consistently done, are as good as needed for most cyclist in my opinion. I’ve hurt myself over the years by being too aggressive with weights. Nice article. Google as usual and you can find many back improving routines
Two words — FOUNDATION TRAINING–by Dr. Eric Goodman. Blew out my L4/L5 discs years ago but have used FT to make my ENTIRE posterior muscle chain from my neck to my achilles stronger and pain free. Cycling 20 miles used to be pretty challenging for me due to lower back pain. Now with FT every week for about 40 minutes (2 X 20 min) I am way beyond the episodic back pain issue. The link to a better life is
I’ve been cycling regularly for 30+ years. I experienced a dramatic reduction in aches, pains and injuries (except crashing :)) after hitting the gym about 5 years ago and doing a light weight/core routine. Now the first thing that aches when I ride are my quads.
One thing I recommend are shrugs – you don’t need a lot of weight, just repetitions. I do 4 x 12 w/15 lb barbells.
Also to those who start out, be patient – it will take a while to experience the benefits.