Cycling climb out of the saddle episode

Should You Climb Out Of The Saddle?

Topics Covered In This Episode: Deciding when you should climb out of the saddle 3 factors to consider The main benefits The science behind climbing out of the saddle Proper technique Downsides to climbing out of the saddle Tips for training indoors Guest: Renee Eastman is a CTS Premier Level Coach and has been coaching …

training with a power meter

Essential Guide to Cycling Training with a Power Meter

The invention of the power meter revolutionized cycling training more than 30 years ago. Then it took another 15 years for power meters to be widely available to amateur cyclists. These days, cyclists can train with power on virtually any outdoor or indoor bicycle. Whether you already have a power meter or are curious about …

Strength training for ultrarunners podcast episode

Strength Training For Ultrarunners With Sarah Scozzaro

Topics Covered In This Episode: How ultrarunners should decide if they should include strength training What are the benefits of including strength training in your plan What’s the minimum effective strength training volume? How strength training programming should change throughout the season The biggest mistakes ultrarunners make with strength training Guest Bio: Sarah Scozzaro is …

lactate threshold

What is Lactate Threshold and How Do Cyclists Train It?

One of the first goals any athlete mentions to me is to improve lactate threshold (LT), although they might use a proxy for it – Functional Threshold Power (FTP). Those terms are often used interchangeably because power at LT and FTP are typically very close. Both indicate maximal sustainable power. Specifically, that means the effort …

In my short time working

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

In my short time working with Jason, I’ve completed workouts – getting up to 2x40min @ 90% of FTP – that I never previously thought I would be able to do. And we are working with a work to recovery ratio – 3 weeks on, 1 week recovery / max efforts – that seems to …

Aging athlete podcast episode

The Aging Athlete: Training Considerations With Amber Neben & Tim Cusick

Topics Covered In This Episode: Developing a training strategy Chronological age vs training age 3 key tips for masters athletes to focus on Building back after a serious injury The important factors to consider beyond just training data The different ways in which masters athletes may need to train Deciding when you should push forward …

Neal Palles podcast episode

Psychological Flexibility With Coach Neal Palles

Topics Covered In This Episode: The psychology of masters athletes Psychological flexibility vs. mental toughness “Pushing away paper” exercise Developing self-awareness Guest Bio: Neal Palles is a CTS ultrarunning coach who holds dual master’s degrees in Social Work and Applied Sports Psychology, and is a licensed Psychotherapist and Sports Performance Specialist. Episode Links: Website: Blog: …

Base training podcast episode

A Practical Guide To Base Training With Kolie Moore

Topics Covered In This Episode: What is base training and why is it important? What intensity should your base training be performed at? Adaptations that occur in the body during base training How to know when to move on from base training Nutrition changes during base training Training on flat vs. hilly terrain Indoor vs. …