western states finish line

How Ultramarathons Will Be Won From Now On

  By Jason Koop, CTS Coaching Director Author, “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” This is an exciting time in ultramarathon running. Sports have periods of rapid change and progress, and then there are periods when performances, events, and technologies seem to plateau. With the influx of sponsor money, the professionalization of race organizations, and the continued …

Andy Jones-Wilkins Grit

How Ultramarathon Runners Develop Grit

By Andy Jones-Wilkins, CTS Ultramarathon Coach Several years ago, I received an out-of-the-blue email from a team of researchers from the Psychology Department at the University of Pennsylvania. They had apparently picked up my name from Ultrarunning Magazine and were interested in having me participate in a study on something they were calling Grit. What is …

Andy Jones-Wilkins profile

The Golden Recipe for Success in Sport, Learning, and Life

By Andy Jones-Wilkins CTS Ultramarathon Coach Last week, at a meeting I attended with an experienced group of educational leaders, the topic of discussion eventually centered in on a very basic essential question: “What three things — skills, attributes, temperaments, whatever — do you want your students to graduate high school with?” The facilitator, knowing …

fall landscape

5 Things Ultramarathon Runners Should do in the Fall

By Andy Jones-Wilkins CTS Ultramarathon Coach For most ultra runners the arrival of autumn signals the end of a long season.  Perhaps the season has been culminated by a triumphant race finish or the end of an exhausting training cycle.  Whatever the cause, the end of season means the sensible runner looks back and forward …