detraining athlete

Avoid Detraining With These 3 Simple Steps

By Chris Carmichael, CEO/Head Coach of CTS Normally, this is a topic we cover in the fall, but with the current public health crisis leading to the postponement of events and potentially to limits on the ability to train outdoors (Italy and Spain have banned cycling for training or recreation for the time being), it …

training through crisis

Advice for Training Through a Crisis

By Chris Carmichael, CEO/Head Coach of CTS The current public health crisis is understandably on everyone’s mind and it is disrupting many aspects of our daily lives and plans. Schools are closing, workers have been advised to work from home, conferences and meetings have been cancelled, major sporting leagues have suspended their seasons, and most …

No Snooze

14 Easy Wake Up Tips For Early Morning Workouts

By Cory Bruno Waking up for an early morning workout before work can be difficult any time of year, and particularly during the fall and winter when mornings are crisp to downright cold. But for some athletes, the early morning is a golden opportunity to work out so you can maintain greater training consistency and …

carmichael red pinarello

14-Day Performance Kickstart for 2020

By Chris Carmichael, Founder and Head Coach of CTS Most people who read my blog posts are year-round athletes, meaning the New Year probably is less of a cold start and more of a recommitment to training after a few months of intermittent exercise, indulgent eating, and a bit too much wine (or whiskey). To …