best habits over 40

The Best Habits for Athletes Over 40

  Chris Carmichael, CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer Life is less forgiving after 40. It’s a myth you can’t gain fitness, lose weight, change careers, or change yourself past a certain age; but I do think those changes get harder. Your body doesn’t absorb and shrug off abuse as well as it did years …

LisaBourne tulsatought williams

Lisa Bourne: Tulsa Tough and a History Lesson

By Lisa Bourne, CTS Contributing Editor & Senior Director of Diversity, Inclusion & Social Impact at Zwift As a Black cyclist, when I realized that both Legion of LA, the first and only Black owned cycling team, and Ayesha McGowan, our first Black female pro cyclist, were going to be racing in Tulsa on the 100th …

sugar addiction

Dispelling the Dangerous Myth of ‘Sugar Addiction’

By Jason Koop, Head Coach of CTS Ultrarunning For the last several weeks, I have been running into more and more content that either alludes to, or outright says, that sugar and sports nutrition products are addictive. Lay articles, influencers on social media, and nutrition company marketing departments alike have been routinely sounding these alarms, …

mental health and exercise

Mental Health: Exercise Only Goes So Far

By Chris Carmichael, Founder and Head Coach of CTS “Cycling keeps me sane.” We’ve all heard similar one-liners on group rides or social media posts, and there is plenty of evidence that exercise can play an important role in mental health. However, based on recent data and personal conversations with coaches and athletes throughout the …