Cyclocross Guide

Mastering the Fundamental Cyclocross Dismount and Remount

As the road and mountain bike seasons trail off, many athletes are left without a guiding purpose to be on the bike. If you’re wondering what to do with your hard-earned summer fitness and looking for a way to rekindle your childhood desire to play in the mud, then jump into Cyclocross! Cyclocross (CX or …

Reggie Miller

Reggie Miller: Athletes Are Not Robots

  By Reggie Miller, NBA Hall of Fame, Olympian, MTB Racer, CTS Contributing Editor I’ve heard the clichés a thousand times, maybe more: “Get your head into the game, be mentally strong”. “Focus on what you’re doing and block everything else out”, and my favorite, “Put your thinking cap on and execute”.  Now, I’m not …

workouts cyclists need

Three Training Rides Cyclists Need Every Week

Athletes and coaches often mistake complexity for sophistication. They think a complex training plan or intricate workouts must be more effective. And there is a time and place for complicated periodization models and advanced interval setups. But, it’s important to realize those things are only necessary once you have maxed out the gains you can …

Cycling coach

The Benefits Of Working With A Cycling Coach

By CTS Coach Maddison Russell When considering hiring a cycling coach, it’s extremely important to do your due diligence. Whether you are progressing from being a self-coached athlete or a static cycling training plan there are a lot of bases you need to cover. If you are handing over the keys to your training, you …

best habits over 40

The Best Habits for Athletes Over 40

  Chris Carmichael, CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer Life is less forgiving after 40. It’s a myth you can’t gain fitness, lose weight, change careers, or change yourself past a certain age; but I do think those changes get harder. Your body doesn’t absorb and shrug off abuse as well as it did years …