lose weight

When is the Best Time for Ultramarathon Runners to Lose Weight?

Written by:

Jason Koop

CTS Premier Ultrarunning Coach
Updated On
March 11, 2025


By Jason Koop,
Head Coach of CTS Ultrarunning

Many runners would like to lose a few pounds. Whether they need to, would benefit from, or should lose weight is another question. Generally, I prefer to focus on fitness and adequate nutritional support for training and let body weight adapt naturally. However, some athletes still want to proactively manage body weight because being lighter can be beneficial in sports with significant uphill and downhill terrain. Unbeknownst to many athletes, there’s a right way and a wrong way – and a best and worst timeframe –  to shed excess pounds.

The right way and time to lose weight can leave you leaner and just as fit. However, losing weight the wrong way can be a one-way ticket to underperformance. This was emphasized recently in an article in Applied Physiology penned by a team out of the University of California Davis and led by Dr. Karnie Schall. At its core, weight loss or gain represents the difference between the number of calories you take in and the number of calories you expend. Consume more than you expend and you gain weight. Expend more than you consume and you lose weight. It’s that simple.

What the study found:

The research team looked at the ad libitum energy intake of female athletes undertaking a four-week training overload phase consisting of 130% of their normal volume. You can think of this as training normally at 10 hours per week, then bumping up your training volume to 13 hours per week for a few weeks, which is no trivial increase in in training load. After a subsequent rest phase of two weeks, the research team compared athletes who matched their increase in training load with a requisite amount of energy intake with those who did not. The athletes were then tested for running performance, as well as monitored for ovarian function.

Not surprisingly, the runners who kept their energy intake up during the training overload phase showed a positive adaption to the increase in training load, improving performance by ~4%. The runners who failed to match for their energy increase showed a decline in performance by about 9%, as well as suppressed ovarian function.

When is the best time to lose weight

So, does this mean that you are doomed any time you create an energy deficit in an effort to lose weight? No, but it does mean that you have to be picky about when you choose to do so.

The right times to lose weight

Before we get into the weeds too much on this, it is important to note that weight loss is not universally beneficial for athletes. Even if you feel like you have a lot of weight to lose, in many cases, athletes are better off simply focusing on their training, particularly by making sure they are executing high-quality workouts with enough volume and intensity to improve. In fact, in the history of my coaching career I have never used a specific targeted race weight for any athlete, ever.

Before you undertake any strategy specifically aimed at weight loss, realize that weight loss is relatively low on the performance priority list for most runners. In this sense, nutrition to support your day to day training should be your main focal point and any strategies used to lose weight should only be undertaken if you can continue to support your training despite the energy deficit. In other words, don’t skimp on your training volume, intensity, or volume of intensity just to lose a couple of pounds.

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Weight Loss Recommendations

If you are considering losing some weight for your upcoming races, here’s how you can do it right:

  1. Be strategic. Pick a time of year where the training load is either moderate and consistent, or being reduced. This can be in between training phases, or even during your offseason.
  2. Give yourself time. Target no more than a 1 pound per week reduction in weight for no longer than 3 weeks in a row. In this way, you are essentially cycling your weight loss over long periods of time in 3-week phases. You have to have a long-term lens for this!
  3. Avoid compounding stressors. Remember that caloric deficits come at a cost. During times of reduced energy intake, your body has fewer resources to build, repair and regenerate. So, avoid trying to lose weight during periods of intensified training or increased volume (like the research mentioned above).

Using a long range plan, you can strategically incorporate weight loss phases into your training using the three strategies mentioned above.  Note in the example below, I am using the first three weeks of each training phase (denoted by the grey blocks, the dark blue blocks and the light blue blocks) to induce a caloric deficit. The strategy being that the second phase of each type of intensity will be slightly intensified compared to the first. In this example, I would expect this athlete to lose about 10 pounds over a 28-week period, which is completely reasonable and unlikely to result in any negative performance outcomes.

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weight loss timing


The bottom line

The urge to reduce bodyweight is extremely common among runners, and while losing weight can improve performance for some athletes, but not everyone needs to lose weight, and the effort and training cost of proactive weight loss can do more harm than good. If you choose to pursue weight loss, do it wisely. Give yourself a long runway, induce calorie deficits at strategic times when your training is not at its peak, and overall, don’t compromise your workouts in order to lose weight!

Comments 6

  1. This article was very straightforward and helpful for individuals and coaches alike who work with female athletes. It did take me a minute to find the attributing researcher, though, as her name is spelled incorrectly in your article, Dr. Karine Schaal. It is promising to see more research in respect to female reproductive health in the ultra community.

  2. I’m having trouble with weight gain and ultra training. I have gained 10 pounds since ultra training. And they were not needed pounds I can feel the effects on my performance. I feel heavy and it’s really bothering me. I fuel as suggested and haven’t let myself under fuel. But not I am over. I also read about high volume loads can effect cortisol levels and cause metabolism to decrease which can cause weight gain. Is this true? And if so, how can we train for ultras without causing cortisol increase?

  3. Pingback: Healthy Weight Loss Principles for Cyclists, Triathletes, and Runners - CTS

  4. Aclarada una equivocacion de creer que en mas perdida de peso. es más benefico para un corredor. Entendido y gracias.

    1. I don´t have problems with my weight. My sport is the trail running; but I find a mistake. I don´t increase my calories when I have more training. Thank you for your Article.

  5. Very good and helpful article on a touchy subject. It’s far more helpful than talking about a “race weight,” which can prompt obsession with a number and lead to restricted eating during peak training and/or tapering, rather than keeping the focus on performance. It makes much more sense to take care of weight reduction earlier in the training season, and do it gradually. Thank you for this concise article that I can share with clients who want to shed pounds too fast or too close to their race.

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