Syd Blog Article Sept18

Stop — Is Social Media Ruining Your Bike Ride?

Syd Schulz CTS Athlete, Pro Mountain Biker, Writer You’re pawing through your Instagram feed on a fall day at work, watching the rain pound down outside, and grumbling to yourself every time you see a picture of someone out there riding dry dirt. How is it that literally EVERYONE but you is in Moab? Don’t …

energy drink

The 6 Worst Pre-Workout Foods and Habits for Cyclists, Runners, and Triathletes

  As I travel around the country participating in a variety of events I am constantly surprised by the nutritional choices I see athletes making prior to workouts. If you want to have a great ride, hike, run, or strength workout, here are the 6 worst pre-workout foods and habits for cyclists, runners, and triathletes …

slumped runner silhouette

3 Fixes for Flagging Motivation

By Andy Jones-Wilkins, CTS Coach No matter an athlete’s experience level or talent there are invariably times when motivation wanes, focus is lost, and discipline sidelined.  Many times this is a perfectly normal reaction to training load and can be easily remedied with a bit of time off to regroup and recharge. But what about …