mental health and exercise

Mental Health: Exercise Only Goes So Far

By Chris Carmichael, Founder and Head Coach of CTS “Cycling keeps me sane.” We’ve all heard similar one-liners on group rides or social media posts, and there is plenty of evidence that exercise can play an important role in mental health. However, based on recent data and personal conversations with coaches and athletes throughout the …

mindfulness for ultrarunners

An Introduction to Mindfulness for Ultrarunners

By Jason Koop, Head Coach of CTS Ultrarunning Interventions in sport tend to borrow and steal lessons from other disciplines and redirect them in pursuit of improved performance. Take, for example, a pair of compression socks or pneumatic compression device (like the Normatec boots). These devices were originally developed for patients with poor circulation stemming …

Chantelle Calla pressrelease

CTS Welcomes New Coaching Development Director and Sales and Marketing Coordinator

(Colorado Springs, CO – January 26, 2021) – CTS, a pioneer in the endurance coaching and camps industry, today welcomed Calla Balliett to the company as Sales and Marketing Coordinator, and announced the promotion of CTS Coach Chantelle Robitaille to a new role as CTS Coaching Development Director. Chantelle Robitaille – CTS Coaching Development Director …

Levi Younger podcast

Levi Younger: A Holistic Approach to Injury Recovery

About This Episode: In this week’s episode, Hillary Allen interviews Levi Younger,  Rolfer and Somatic Therapist. Levi and Hillary discuss the practice of Rolfing, treating Hillary after a textbook healed injury, components of injury recovery, covering the emotional process of recovering from injury and treating the body as a more holistic system. Episode Highlights: Combining …


How INSCYD Testing Can Unlock Your Athletic Potential

By Chris Carmichael, Founder and Head Coach of CTS Game changing technological advances that truly improve athletic performance are relatively rare. Sure, there are iterative advances in power meters and new features added to apps, but substantive changes don’t happen very often. That’s why athletes should be excited about INSCYD, a training software and athlete …

Base training podcast image

How Should You Approach Base Training?

About This Episode: In this week’s episode, TrainRight Podcast co-hosts Adam Pulford and Hillary Allen sit down to talk about how cyclists and runners should approach base training. Episode Highlights: Building the aerobic engine The traditional base training model New approaches to base training Balancing volume and intensity Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, …