ultramarathon injuries

Do Older Ultramarathon Runners Get Injured Less?

By Jason Koop, Head Coach of CTS Ultrarunning Injuries in ultramarathon training and racing are not going away. That’s a sobering fact, but the numbers don’t lie. On the training side, up to 70% of runners will become injured every year and lose at least one day of training. Racing is just as injurious. For …

FTP test

FTP Tests: How to perform 20-Minute, 8-Minute, and Ramp Tests

At the beginning of a new phase of training it is important to get a snapshot of an athlete’s current fitness so you can scale training intensities appropriately. Assessing an athlete’s Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is the most utilized method because FTP testing can be accomplished outside a lab setting. All you need is a …

Base training podcast episode

A Practical Guide To Base Training With Kolie Moore

Topics Covered In This Episode: What is base training and why is it important? What intensity should your base training be performed at? Adaptations that occur in the body during base training How to know when to move on from base training Nutrition changes during base training Training on flat vs. hilly terrain Indoor vs. …

goal setting benefits

Goal Setting Benefits for Ultrarunners

By Darcie Murphy, CTS Ultrarunning Senior Coach Goal setting comes naturally to many ultrarunners and endurance athletes, almost like it’s in our DNA. If you’re resistant to setting specific goals, don’t worry. I can absolutely relate. For years I avoided New Year’s resolutions or formal goal setting sessions. I just wanted to ‘have fun’ playing …

alison tetrick 2021

Alison Tetrick: My Best Events and Experiences of 2021

By Alison Tetrick, Pro cyclist, Entrepreneur, CTS Contributing Editor Don’t start me on the jokes that 2022 sounds like 2020 “too”. Wait. It does. Ah, I remember when I started 2020, excited about my goals. I dusted off the boots and was ready. Now, here we are. 2022. Ready for something fresh and new? Maybe. …

2021 lessons podcast episode

Top Lessons From 2021

Topics covered in this episode: Developing patience in pursuing goals Balancing short term and long term changes Mastering skills through teaching Tackling taboo topics in endurance sports The importance of community Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform Episode Transcription: Please note that this is an automated transcription and …