jason siegle challenge

Shifting Goals: How This Coach Reinvigorated His Training

  By Jason Siegle, CTS Senior Coach Cycling can be a lifelong sport because an athlete’s goals and level of participation can change over time. I spent years dedicated to high-level racing, but my passion for competition has waned in recent seasons. At the end of August, I was in a weird place with my …

getting started strength training

Getting Started Strength Training Workout for Cyclists

  By Chris Carmichael, CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer Special thanks to CTS Coach Sarah Scozzaro for her assistance with exercises and demo videos.   In the past I’ve talked about why cyclists – especially aging cyclists – need to incorporate strength training, and discussed some of the principles endurance athletes should keep in …

critical thinking

Don’t Get Fooled: Critical Thinking Skills for Athletes 

  By Cliff Pittman, CTS Ultrarunning Senior Coach, CTS Coaching Development Director In a recent column for Trailrunner Magazine, I delved deep into the risks that pseudoscience creates for athletes and coaches. Among the takeaways from that column was the idea that we all benefit from improving our critical thinking skills. The world today is …

bike fit

Fixing Bike Fit Issues for Cyclists Over 50

  by Renee Eastman MS, CSCS, USAC Level 1, Retul Fit Level 1, CTS Premier Coach Bike fit issues affecting aging athletes are largely related to unrealistic expectations. For some, that manifests as a desire for a certain aesthetic, like the high saddle and low handlebar look they see from pros and limber amateurs just …

choose a power meter

How to Choose the Right Cycling Power Meter for You

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“, “The Time-Crunched Cyclist”, and “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” A cycling power meter is one of the best training tools a cyclist can invest in. A power meter offers a way to directly measure the work a cyclist is performing in real time. It is hard …

leadville Andres Small

Training for Leadville: From the Couch to the LT100 MTB in One Year!

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach Major life transformations are always bumpy, but Andres Small’s “Couch to Leadville” journey shows that the benefits of taking on ambitious goals extend way beyond race-day performance. His story is not a fairy tale where everything falls into place, which is why we think you’ll find it both inspirational …

vegan athlete

Yes, Vegan Athletes Can Meet Elevated Protein Requirements. Here’s How.

  By Adam Ferdinandson, CTS Expert Coach Reviewed by Stephanie Howe, PhD “But how do you get enough protein?” This is something all plant-based folks have heard from coworkers, relatives, and others who feel the need to add their two-cents about dietary choices. As annoying as it may seem, the concern is valid. Consuming adequate protein …

eating during short workouts

Should Cyclists Eat During 1-hour Workouts?

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“, “The Time-Crunched Cyclist”, and “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” Lots of cyclists rely on shorter rides, often indoors, throughout the year. During the fall and winter, this reliance on shorter indoor workouts increases even further. This leads to questions about fueling short rides. Do you need …

how many ultramarathons

How Many Ultramarathons Should You Race in a Year?

  By Jason Koop, “How many races should I do?” is one of the first questions ultramarathon runners ask when planning a new season. There are several considerations, including physiology, necessary recovery time between races, lifestyle stress, and financial and travel challenges. On top of that, there’s psychology: Why are you racing, why these particular …