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Weekend Reading: Learn how this female executive lost 75 pounds and transformed her life!


Inspiration can come from anywhere, and different athletes draw inspiration from different things. This week I want to introduce you to Tribby Warfield, a C-Suite corporate executive who has completely transformed her body and lifestyle over the past two years. As you’ll see in the video at the end of this article, Tribby personifies the challenges all executives face: a high-stress job, insane travel schedule (170+ days/year on the road), a busy personal life, and an environment prone to unhealthy eating habits and low activity levels. 

Tribby’s transformation began when her team bought her a CTS Coaching package. They knew she enjoyed cycling but hadn’t been riding regularly in a long time. I matched her up with CTS Pro Coach Jane Rynbrandt, a very smart, ambitious, and compassionate coach I thought would have the right personality to connect with Tribby and build a great relationship.

To be perfectly honest, it took about a month before Tribby really took to the training. This was a gift from her team, rather than something she had contemplated and decided to do on her own. But soon she realized she had been provided with a great opportunity to make significant changes in her lifestyle, and she was “all in” with the commitment, focus, and determination you’d expect from an executive.

When I see Tribby now, I barely recognize her. She’s lost more than 75 pounds! Her energy level and enthusiasm for business, her family, art, culture, and travel have grown exponentially. She’s relished the opportunity to completely change her look and wardrobe as well. From a performance perspective she completed 7 century rides last year and rode mountain bikes in remote regions of Bali and Australia. This year she wants to focus on metric centuries and push herself to achieve faster speeds, and perhaps cycle the El Camino de Compostela (Way of St. James) in Spain!

There’s a misconception that only “serious” athletes utilize or deserve coaching, and an even bigger misconception that CTS only works with young and competitive male athletes. In contrast, when Tribby started working with Jane she was a sedentary female executive in her early 50s. The reality is, a goal is the only pre-requisite to qualify for coaching. Whether that’s completing your first century, getting greater control over your blood sugar levels, coming back from an injury, or dropping a few pants sizes, those goals are just as valid and valuable to me as an elite athlete’s goal of winning a championship.

I love Tribby’s story and it’s been a joy to get to know her while she’s been on this transformative journey. To me she provides the perfect illustration of the idea that your starting point isn’t the important thing, where you want to go is the only thing that matters.


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Have a great weekend!

Chris Carmichael

CEO/Head Coach of CTS

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Comments 5

  1. Tribby is an amazing inspiration to all she encounters – I learned so much from her & still do to this day! I love to look back & remember the day she signed on w/ CTS – such a God send that was for her! But she didn’t stop there w/ the training – she continued to stretch & discover herself with all the Century Rides!! Keep on Rockin’ & Ridin’ Trib – I miss seeing you daily!

  2. Great work Tribby! You are really an inspiration for all of us trying to find that thinner athlete within us! Charlie

  3. Wow! Awesome. Congratulations on going for it Tribby! I would love to cycle the Camino Trail with you:) Good on you.

  4. You rock, Tribby! Keep on rolling. I enjoyed meeting and riding with you in Tucson for the El Tour last November.

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