Triathlon Training: Training for Ironman Is a 12-Month Process, Not a 12-Week Training Plan
By Lindsay Hyman,
CTS Pro Coach
The day after an Ironman race, hundreds – sometimes thousands – of athletes line up or go online to register for the next year’s race. That’s right, the race was asking people to commit a year in advance. In today’s last minute, just-in-time world, this is an anomaly. Undoubtedly, many of you don’t even know where you’re going next month, much less next year. But this advance scheduling is critical to a successful Ironman, because for most competitors—and especially the first-timers—training for Ironman is a 12-month physical and mental challenge.
Over the years of coaching and preparing athletes to be Ironman ready, I’ve seen people take three years to achieve their Ironman dream as they made the steady progression from runner or cyclist to multisport Ironman finisher. It can be a long haul, people. But that commitment, when it results in success, is also a huge part of the sport’s satisfaction. With that in mind, I wanted to share some of the key, high-level triathlon tips I and the other coaches at CTS have gleaned from decades of working with Ironman athletes.
Step 1: Choose a Goal Ironman Race Based on Your Real-World Training Schedule
During their first year of Ironman training, my athletes and I look at the entire 12-month calendar and figure out when they’ll have the most time to commit to quality training. Seasonal weather, daylight, family and work commitments and even pool access are all considered into this equation. Once we figure this out, only then will we look at the racing calendar for an IM to enter.
Case in point: An Ironman in late June works well for parents of school-aged children since the most intense and longest training blocks for the race will occur in the spring/late spring while the kids are in school full-time. And the beginning of summer break will dovetail with the athlete’s tapering period.
For others, summer races with their great weather and long days hold the most appeal. However, others, who live in stifling hot summer climates may choose early spring races to motivate themselves to train through the winter months and then ramp up training during the cool spring months. In the end, figure out when you have the most time to train long and hard for several months first, then find a race.
Bonus Tip: Give and Learn
If you don’t get into your local Ironman race this year, or the nearest race date doesn’t jive with your preferred race date, use the race as a learning opportunity. Become a volunteer. It’s a fantastic opportunity for you to scout the race—and if you’ve never done an Ironman, see what you’re in for. You’ll familiarize yourself with the logistics, course and transition layout, and pick up a motivational buzz from seeing the racers pass by.
Step 2: Make Your First Ironman a 2-year Journey
Before you sign up for the Ironman of your choice, you’ll want to develop a deep base of experience. And I’m not talking about ripping off an Olympic-distance triathlon and then tackling an Ironman. I’ve found more success in coaching athletes to the finish line of an Ironman if they work their way up to it over 2-3 years.
It takes time for the body to adapt to the new stresses of training without the risk of injury. With a 2-plus year plan, you can set up a steady progression from Olympic to half-Ironman to full Ironman that conditions your body—and your family and work colleagues—to your training regimen and schedule. Of course, some athletes may be able to go from reasonably fit to Ironman-ready in a year. But I urge you to think about your Ironman as a two-year process at least.
Step 3: Pace Your Triathlon Race Schedule To Grow Faster, Not Just Finish
Once you cross the finish line, don’t be surprised at how soon you start thinking about doing another Ironman. The emotional satisfaction is that powerful. My advice, be cautious. One Ironman in a year is difficult, two is very challenging, and three would require a pro- triathlete’s commitment to training and focus (although it can certainly be done, especially by very experienced triathletes).
Personally, I’ve found that athletes who strive for balance in their family, career, and training do best by committing to an Ironman every other year. The level of focus required during your Ironman years becomes easier to handle and understand when it’s balanced with a year of reduced training volume. During the alternate years, focus on 70.3 Ironman races and work on getting faster. That way, you’ll ideally enter your next Ironman build with the strength and speed to not just finish, but set a new PR.
1 year time line | 2 year time line | 3 year time line | |||
0 – 6 months | Select and register for your IM race | 0 – 6 months | Select your IM race | 0 – 6 months | Select your IM race |
6 – 12 months | Train and be IM race ready!! | 6 – 12 months ► Free Cycling Training Assessment QuizTake our free 2-minute quiz to discover how effective your training is and get recommendations for how you can improve.
| Train for a sprint and Olympic race | 6 – 12 months | Train for a sprint and Olympic race |
13 – 18 months | Train for a 70.3 race and register for your IM race | 13 – 18 months | Train for a 70.3 race | ||
19 – 24 months | IM race ready! | 19 – 24 months | Train and stay focused | ||
15 – 30 months | Train for a 70.3 race and register for your IM race | ||||
31 – 36 months | IM race ready! |
Lindsay Hyman is a Pro Level coach with Carmichael Training Systems, Inc. and a certified USAT Coach. In additional to competing at Ironman distance triathlons, she coaches athletes from first timers to champions in sprint to iron-distance events.
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► FREE Mini-Course: Learn How to Maximize Your Limited Training Time
Learn step-by-step how to overcome limited training time and get faster. Walk away with a personalized plan to increase your performance.
Comments 52
ich mache seit 30 Jahren ziemlich viel Sport, vor allem Laufen, Schwimmen und Radfahren. Trotzdem habe ich es nie geschafft, einen Ironman zu absolvieren. Ihr könnt Gott dankbar dafür sein, dass Gott euch allen so ein Talent geschenkt hat, mit ein bisschen Training das ganze zu schaffen. Bei mir funktioniert es nicht.
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My girl just broke the world record. First woman to do 6 iron mans on 6 continents in 1 year.
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I’ve been training (basically off the couch) since January 2019. for a 70.3 in September of 2019. Would I have a chance at looking for a full in July of 2020 or would that be too soon? Did a sprint already, doing an Olympic in 2 weeks and the 70.3 in 6 weeks. Also a few half marathons for good measure. I’m kind of in the middle ground for your time lines at 16 months
Hey Dave, that’s more than enough time.
I have athletes following a plan to go from 0-Ironman in under a year and our success rate is quite high.
You can check us out here
Hi I am not even involve in any kind of phisical activity can I prepare for iron man
Hey Javed,
You absolutely can. It just takes time. You can take the better chunk of a year to train and ramp up slowly and cross that finish line.
I went through it myself and ultimately went and created a plan specific to people looking to tackle this for the first time (you can find that here:
We’ve got a 100% success rate so far, and a great community to back it up 🙂 would be thrilled to have ya.
I have completed in a quarter ironman and half ironman and now my husband and I are looking at completing a full ironman maybe over a three year plan. It took me nearly 10 hours to do a half ironman at ironmaori in New Zealand so my goal is to compete in some half ironman events to get my times down so then I can easily finish a full ironman in the time required. My strength is my swimming
I don’t really enjoy biking or running so any advice would be helpful
I have completed an half IM in July 2018. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to train due to a nagging ITB injury. I have been convincing myself that I have train too hard, gone too far, too soon.
I would like to start training again but want to condition myself to avoid getting injured again.
Have you got any tips on building a solid base to make my body last under the stresses of training for an IronMan?
I want to participate in Ironman 2020. I need a good training plan and guidance. Kindly help me with this
Next year will the Philippines’ first time to host a full IM and I wanted to join, despite not even having a tri sprint experience to date. However, i’ve been running ultras and the farthest I went cycling was 232km. My greatest weakness then is the swim. I’m more than halfway convinced that I’ll really join this full IM. And I don’t know what to ask here.
3 years running. My mentor is a 60 year old IM, and i want to do the 3 year plan. I was a complete loser when he met me, roday i have done several hals, going for my full marathon this year…. im excited. 🙂 wish you all happy runnun in 2017!
Trying to figure out how long for base/race training to schedule first IM. How reasonable is early summer or ?
History: early thirties male
8 years runner, Just finished 7th marathon at 3:02/ Best half marathon 1:25
cross train weekly with 3-4.5k swimming, 3-4 hours steady state biking
Triathlon history: 2 years triathlon training racing. last Triathlon 2 years ago, Worked up to a 5:15 Half Ironman. Schedule got busy and I wanted to chase that BQ.
Thanks for your input!
I am 64 and retired. I have finished 6 IM. The last was 6 yrs. ago. I am highly motivated and would like to do the 2yr. program. I want to complete
IM Cour de lene or Florida in 2018. I am member of the YMCA and there is a 30 mile bike trail next to it. Is my goal doable?
Yes! You are a 6 time finisher and know what it takes to get across the finish line.
You are an Ironman!
I’ll be in Florida (2018) for my third IM at age 65.
Keep Living the Dream!
I am 64 and retired. I have finished 6 IM. The last was 6 yrs. ago. I would like to do the 2 yr. program. I want to complete IM Cour de lene or IM Florida unless you would recommend another. I am highly motivated and have access to a YMCA and a 30 mile bike trail, and I have the time. I know I need a professional program to be successful. Is this doable.
I will be doing an Ironman in 14 weeks. Haven’t done much training last couple of months after the 70.3. So realistically I have 14 weeks to train. Only looking for a finish. Will let you know afterwards if an Ironman is possible with 14 weeks of training…
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Iam. Regular runner scince
Last 5 yrs
Start taking interest in marathon
Lost 20 k I last 1 yr
Did >10 21 k races in last 6 months
My best 21 k time is 1:57
42k 5:05
10 k 53mts
Started biking last 3 months
50 k time is 2hr 16 mts
Still learning swimming
My age is 46
Want to do IM
How should I prepare
Can u guide me
Gautam I am no guru, but if you are doing almost 2 half marathons a month but at just under 2 hours I would first off suggest you need to get your speed up. So forget doing half marathons. Start doing 10ks. Once you get your 10k down to around 45 mins I reckon you’ll be capable of doing a 1:40 21k. Move from there. Same story with cycling – do 30 minute sessions, higher intensity, before you start trying to get the mileage in. IM competitors on a cycle operate at 80% of their functional threshold which roughly means what they can produce for 1 hour (measured in Watts). So your objective should be centred around increasing this threshold rather than the mileage. What do you weigh now?
Dan, beside swim, run and bike is there any additional training i must include in my program?
I just finished my first half ironman and will be doing my first full ironman this Fall. My two location choices are Los Cabos and Cozumel. Does anyone have experience in these ironman locations and have a suggestion for me?
I ran Ironman Cozumel in 2014, it was my first and such a beautiful event and in my opinion a wonderful place for a first IM distance event!
The longest race i have done in my life is 10k after a 14 month fitness and diet that helped me to go from 103kg to 80kg.
Now i started running every day morning on treadmill and im pretty much attracted to set to myself the challenge to finish an IM.
How many weeks preparation would it take to get to a decent shape ? knowing that I am zero in swim 🙂
Thanks in advance,
I am planning to go to my first Ironman in August 2016. I already complted few olympics and 70.3 triathlon and now like to prepare for the next level. Would it be possible to provide some support?
I live in Norway so it is really difficult to run or ride from Mid October to March. How then a training calendar looks like.
I swim the 4k in approx 1h15 min and ride around 30km /hour with a run 3h45 (assuming 30sec extra per km after the ride)
thanks in advance for your response
I am looking to do ironman canada in 2016 and need a training plan to get going I have been biking but nor running or swimming in 7 to 8 months. Is there a plan to get things moving in the right direction I can put in whatever hours I need to for training.
How did you training go? Did you achieve what you wanted?
Did you achieve what you wanted? H o w dId ur training g0?
I am training for first IM whistler July 24. Would love a plan and advice on nutrition.
I’m hoping to compete in my first Ironman december 2016.
I play Aussie rules footy so my base level fitness is quite high. I can already comfortably swim 5km in a session continuously. I ride during the summer and can clock 100km in around 3 hours and my running pace is 4min kms for 10km.
Are there any sort of training plans for people with my base fitness around?
I’m wanting to do the Ironman in December 2016 as well. Is this in Perth? By the way I’ve never been in any comps so I’m so excited.
Your swim should take care of itself, I’d just work out what you can do as a steady pace swim without taking too much out of yourself, purely so you can use that time for a gameplan.
Your bike is reasonably strong and I’d imagine your wattage (bss Aussie rules I’d guess your 85kg or thereabouts) is probably 300W on a wattbike for 1 hour. I think if you want a really good time you should get that up near the 350 mark for 1 hour.
Running is probably where you need to do the most work. Given your base and the fact you’re used to training hard I’d say you’re probably capable of a sub 3 hour marathon if you focus. I’ve done sub 3 hour at 97kg rugby build so it’s more than possible. Think your next objective should be 4min kms for 15km. To get this try doing 5ks at 3.30 pace twice a week until 4 min pace feels comfy. Then see if you can extend the distance from 10k to 15k at 4 min pace. Then go back and target 3:40 pace for 10k and see if you can maintain 4 min pace upto 20k. Reality is you’re not going anywhere near this pace in an ironman, you’re aiming to make it as comfortable as possible to go 10% slower.
Hi I want to do a iron man next year 2016 but I needs good training plan that will get me ready thanks
hello i would like to compete in ironman uk 2016 i was wondering if you could give me some advice and help me with a training plan
I’m looking to complete a full ironman in 2-3 years. So far I’ve only ran a marathon. I haven’t swam or biked long distances. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
A few years ago I wanted to begin training for a triathlon, but had life obstacles. Now I am ready to commit to serious training. Can you offer me any direction and advice other than what is on this site, which was helpful. Such as diet and recovery.
I signed up for the Great Floridian (ironman distance) that is scheduled for Oct 24th, 2015. This will be my first full distance and I am looking for as much help/resources as possible. Where do I start??
I have completed several sprints, a handful of olympics, one half ironman, and one marathon.
I am not looking to complete the ironman by a certain time – I simply want to enjoy the experience and finish before the cut off.
I am trying to set up a training schedule, but am unsure of the best approach.
Look forward to hearing from you!
Hi I would like to start to train for my first ironman in a years time and I am looking the best advice to start off.any info woukd be great thank you
Looking to do an ironman late August 2015 in Ottawa. I am looking for a training schedule that will leave me race ready for that time.
Thanks for reaching out to us. A member of our Athlete Services team will be in touch with you shortly.
I have arthritis in both knees however I am still keen to attempt a full ironman. Swim and bike are o/k however I am concerned that I will not be able to complete the run due to my knees. I have completed a 35 k walk recently and finished it however I was in a lot of pain at the end. During the ironman is the medication that can be taken to assist with iflamation and joint pain during the race to assist me to finish ?
john, this may be late, but i recommend taking up yoga. I have chronic knee pains at 24 due to 3 acl tears, and on a separate occasion, a double meniscus tear (all playing soccer). I took up yoga 2-3 times per week to increase flexibility and that seems to have helped to subdue some of the pain. This is of course on top of a pre/re-hab program in which i focus on knee stability exercises. In conjunction with all of the other training that I do, this has helped to substantially reduce the pain that I am in and now I run pain free again. It is a lot of extra work, maybe 4-8 hours per week, but I would say that it is worth it.
Hi there, my goal is training 1 year as smart as I can to make a ironman 2016, step by step, I am Spanish,I live in San Francisco, my training session is 10 hours a week…. Thank you so much
Hi there, I would love get a great work out for ironman, my goal is make 1 ironman in 2 years at least…. I am Spanish, live in California, training a week 10 hours … Thank you
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I want to get a good training program to do the im next summer. Where could I look?