Great Coaching!
I have improved my training tremendously. I am encouraged to squeeze out more training time from my schedule. Clayton is realistic, and encouraging. I improved my time at my last event to the best I’ve done in about 5 years.
I have improved my training tremendously. I am encouraged to squeeze out more training time from my schedule. Clayton is realistic, and encouraging. I improved my time at my last event to the best I’ve done in about 5 years.
He has given me a training plan and held me accountable. He always comments on my training and gives me suggestions. I had no expectations on how much I would improve but knew if there was no one pushing me then I would not ride in the hot humid conditions here in Atlanta. For that …
I’ve been working with Josh for a couple months and found Josh is great about responding when I send a request for assistance. He is knowledgeable and friendly. The friendly part is important to me, but might not matter for a lot of people. Josh seems to genuinely care about my needs. His cycling knowledge …
Extraordinary and very professional and knowleadble . Very happy working with her.
Maddison has made a positive impact in my overall health. I truly believe that having a coach to be accountable has added years on to my career as a surgeon. My biking performance has improved year to year. Below is a summary of positives and areas that could be improved upon for Maddison. Positives. 1. …
Working with Dave has expanded my expectations of the results of working with a coach. I expected to fundamentally be faster and have better endurance, what I did not expect is all the other areas that developed with the work such as on bike strength and agility, confidence (and calmness) in navigating unexpected situations approaching …
Thanks to Matt I now ride the whole spectrum of efforts, from low endurance up to anaerobic. Before coaching every ride was just a hammer fest and I found myself exhausted. My Indoor workouts were so difficult that I began to lose fitness. Now I ride a much greater volume and feel great. I now …
What is great, even beyond my expectations: Coach Max is able to find a sweetspot between hard training and keeping me motivated, hungry for more. Working without a coach I had a typical problem of pushing too hard too often and now it is solved. I am still on a learning curve and feel my …
My coach has improved my strength and really has me focussed on my areas of weakness. He is very responsive and helpful, answering any question quickly and clearly.
Matthew and I have been working together since Spring of 2017. The carefully planned workouts are at the core of what I have gotten from Matthew. But honestly, sometimes his comments and phone calls have been even more important. He has been steady when I have been working hard toward an event, and when I …