A top coach, best coach I’ve ever had

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Andy and I started working together in 2007 when I was at a low level of performance, slightly above a recreational cyclist level. He has turned me into an international masters level cyclist. We are still together. I could not be at this level without him.

Max has worked out well. He’s my first coach,

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

He has been there when I needed to know if what I was experiencing was expected. I think that I am a bit of an anomaly as I assume not many 85 year old biker are trying to maintain some semblance of prior fitness. I would be pleased to find that this assumption is in …

Best coach ever!!!!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

For over 2 years we have made considerable progress in my focus, fitness and movement. It is a blessing to have him encourage me to take care of myself and to push myself. This year I had an accident that set me back but his consistency was contagious to keep me moving forward. Thankful for …

Excellent Coach

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Coach Sarah has tremendously helped me improve my fitness and running. She is amazing to work with and focuses on her athletes and not just the next progression in the training block. 100% give this woman a raise lol!

The Best Coach I’ve Ever Worked With

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Having worked with numerous coaches thru the years as an athlete, I can say without reservation that Coach Renee is the best. Not only does she provide personalized training programs that have increased my technic and wattage on the bike, she has over the years given me nutritional and strength programs that have benefited me …

She knows her science and her magic

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Works with me to help me become and stronger runner. Knows when to push, when to back off. Uses science and research in formulating a plan and a response. Also is tuned into the emotional aspect of life. She is an amazing athlete herself which is a huge plus.

I’m Learning

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

Less stress deciding what, when, and how to train. Helping me understand what we are doing and how it effects my performance. Helping me put my race results in perspective. It’s good to have a neutral third party to discuss races with. I have confidence in his prescriptions. He has trained and is training older …

Sarah is a superstar

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

We started working 9mths ago with Sarah and she is my first coach. I was looking for three things from my couch: -I wanted to include weighs and speedwork in training and increase mileage to get ready for my first 100 miler -I wanted to have a coach who would be actively involved on my …