Smart programming and periodization

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

I came to CTS after a DNF, to become a better runner. I had proven to myself that left to my own devices, I would do too much and overtrain in unproductive ways.

I picked a coach who had a tactical/CrossFit/Oly background.

We got my goals on the calendar, and got to work on a speed block as I had been doing tons of volume at the same effort level; too fast for easy, too easy for fast.

The first few weeks, I pushed myself so hard I got a fever after my speed workouts. It was an ego issue. Since letting that go, I’ve felt improvement in running at intensity, tolerance, and mental drive.

My confidence in training is high! I FEEL improvement in tolerance and performance. That makes me feel confident that I will be able to perform better at my goals.

Crystal Overstreet

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