Press Release: Topical EDGE Partners With CTS
For Immediate Release
Topical EDGE Partners With CTS To Offer Athletes Greater Performance and Recovery Potential
(April 24, 2017) Topical EDGE and CTS have announced a multi-year agreement beginning immediately that will give CTS coaches, athletes, and camp participants an opportunity to train harder and recover faster with the first and only athletic performance lotion to buffer lactic acid. Partnering with CTS allows Topical EDGE to reach a greater number of athletes that can benefit from the sodium bicarbonate lotion that, through clinical trials, has proven to buffer lactic acid, which can lead to improved athletic performance.
“As a pioneer and leader in endurance coaching, partnering with CTS allows us to take the next step to introduce and expand EDGE into the CTS network giving their athletes the ability to train harder and recover faster”, said Jeff Byers of Topical EDGE. “EDGE is creating a new category as a sports performance lotion; and since at our core, we are a data-driven and science-based biotech company, we are excited to partner with a company that also deeply values science and data-driven approaches to sport.”
With the vast athlete network and number of events CTS promotes, including training camps, bucket list events, and even the first-year Figueroa Gran Fondo coming this coming November, EDGE sees the opportunity to help deliver a performance advantage to the athletes, regardless of whether it’s an elite ultrarunner or someone looking for a PR on a century ride. The ability to train harder and recover faster is the holy grail of athletic improvement, and combining the proper training from CTS with the performance benefits of EDGE can help achieve just that.
“Topical Edge is a new product with a lot of potential and we are eager to get it into the hands and onto the skin of more athletes,” said CTS Founder and CEO, Chris Carmichael. “This is about supporting innovation and pushing for what’s next. The methods and data supporting EDGE look promising, and it’s legal and safe to use for sport. We are honored to help EDGE complete the next steps of achieving broader use of the performance lotion and gathering real athlete data and feedback.”
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About Topical EDGE
Topical EDGE is the first and only athletic performance lotion that is clinically proven to reduce lactic acid buildup, allowing athletes to train at higher intensity for longer and recover faster. EDGE is powered by the muscle buffering ability of sodium bicarbonate and each batch of EDGE is certified by Informed-Sport to be in full compliance with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) banned substances list. EDGE is created by Ampersand Biopharmaceuticals, a biotechnology company who develops medical, aesthetic, and consumer products with their proprietary transdermal delivery technology. For more information visit www.topicaledge.com.
About CTS
A pioneering company in the endurance coaching industry, CTS has improved the performance of more than 17,000 athletes over the past 16 years. Founded by renowned coach and author Chris Carmichael and home to more than 40 full-time, professional coaches, CTS provides personal coaching, training camps, and Endurance Bucket List experiences to athletes of all ability levels. For more information, visit https://trainright.com.
Comments 6
Thanks CTS for bringing us new cutting science based techniques, products, training. That is what I look forward to. I thoroughly enjoy the physiology and science of endurance sports. It is fascinating to follow a recommended regime and watch the results come to fruition. You are one of my advisers. I respect and listen to my advisers. Keep bringing it!
To the commenters expressing concern over the partnership between EDGE and CTS, we appreciate and value your feedback. CTS has a long history of supporting innovation, from conducting research and development work on nutritional products, wearable sensors, and sporting equipment to providing coaches and athletes with opportunities to participate in product development programs. In the case of EDGE, there is currently a rigorous double-blind study being conducted on the product at the University of California – San Diego, and we are eager to see the results and see the study published in a peer review journal. Based on what we currently know we believe the product and premise behind it have promise, we want to support innovation, and we will follow the science. – CTS
I have been a follower of CTS for a multitude of years starting with Progressive Power video tapes and later following the Time Crunched Cyclist workouts. I am a real fan of hard work, good nutrition and effective recovery. Maybe I am just not hip but veering from this and applying chemicals to my skin…..just doesn’t seem aligned with CTS values. I am a recreational rider but I am going to stick with the basics. I agree with other posts – I am surprised and a bit disappointed.
I also was surprised by this announcement. Chris’ gains (has) enormous credibility amongst athletes by basing his methods on the most current and credible published science and this thing with Edge appears a significant deviation. According to the Edge website their is no peer- reviewed published evidence of efficacy with their product. This, combined with the known minimal performance impact of ingested bicarb and the large percentage of athletes that get gastric distress after taking it make this whole enterprise questionable at a minimum.
Topical application of sodium bicarb is probably pretty benign. Anyone ever taken a Tums, calcium carbonate, basically same thing and that goes into the body. Question is will it work and for recreational riders who do a few intervals a week, how would this help and under what conditions would I need it? I’m training for a century in a couple of months and hope to avoid lactic acid for that and my long rides. I’ll be interested in more rider feedback on this product.
I am very disappointed with this announcement. First, perhaps I just need to accept this “better results thru chemistry” mentality that not only exists in the pro athlete realm but with amateurs as well. Second, are CTS athletes the “crash test dummies” for this product? Is there any evidence that improved LA buffering with this gel actually and directly leads to improved performance? Finally, how safe is this product in the long run? Why anyone would introduce a chemical into their bloodstream without a valid medical reason is perhaps beyond my comprehension. Again, I am very disappointed by this.