ultrarunning training plan

Why and How to Create a 3-Year Ultrarunning Training Plan

Although ultramarathons are, by definition, very long events compared to traditional running events, athletes rarely extend their long-range training plans accordingly. Instead of considering one year for long-range planning purposes, ultrarunners are better off working from a 3-year plan. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ long range plan. However, athletes with a multi-year vision are often more …


One Ultrarunner’s Guide to Heatstroke and Heat Illness

As an experienced ultrarunner and a professional coach, I though heat illness was something that would never happen to me. Despite being fit, having a solid race plan, and knowing the warning signs, I suffered heatstroke during the Full Moon 50 Miler. I want to share my story so you can learn from my experience. …

downhill run training

How to Run Downhill Faster in Ultramarathons

The last time I raced Hardrock 100, it delivered a lesson on the value of downhill run training. The high-altitude race is notorious because it features an average elevation of over 11,000 feet and includes more than 32,000 feet of climbing and descending. Every race is a learning experience. The Hardrock Downhill Story To provide …

running cadence

What is a good running cadence for trail and ultrarunners?

  Running cadence – or step frequency – is one of the fundamental components of running form. Many runners choose to focus on altering their running cadence to optimize form and mechanical efficiency. In some cases, training your run cadence may increase running speed, decrease injury risk, and conserve energy. However, over time, runners tend …

ultrarunning apps

Trail and Ultrarunning Apps for Mapping and Navigation

Knowing where you are and where you’re heading are keys to successful training runs and trail adventures. Multiple apps can support your real-time navigation efforts and help you find or design routes. Understanding the basics of navigation is key to staying on route. However, mapping apps can help you explore new trails in your area. …

tapering for ultrarunning

Tapering for Ultrarunning: How to Prevent Taper Tantrums

For many athletes, tapering for ultrarunning can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand runners are happy about the reduced training load. On the other, they are sometimes anxious or distressed by the reduction in training volume. Athletes have two primary fears during their taper: detraining and missing out on time they could use …


Training to Run Uphill Faster

Ultrarunning combines a multiple skills and abilities, from knowing how to handle yourself in the elements in remote areas, to understanding how to fuel your body for many hours or days while in motion. Typically, ultrarunning includes substantial climbs and descents and a lot of cumulative elevation change. To become better at something, we must …

ultrarunning injury

Ultrarunning Injury Recovery Lessons from a Year-Long Comeback

By Corrine Malcolm, CTS Expert Coach, Ultrarunning Host for the Trainright Podcast I broke my pelvis 15 months ago but only found out about it a month later. Twelve months ago I was told the healing process was taking longer than expected. Eight months ago I was managing 3- to 4-mile runs but couldn’t run three …

runner with blisters on foot

Blisters: Comprehensive Plan for Treating Running Blisters

Running can be hard on an athlete’s feet and blisters can happen to novice and experienced runners. Many runners rightfully focus on their footwear and making sure they have the right traction and support. However, it is also important to consider how your feet move in the shoes, the surface you’ll be running on, and …

motivated to train

How to Stay Motivated to Train for Ultrarunning

We all had at least one compelling reason to begin our trail running journey. Perhaps it was the finisher’s belt buckle or t-shirt, the inherent challenge of ultramarathon events, or health benefits. For most people, motivation evolves over time. Some original motivations may become more intense, or initial motives may fade and be replaced with …