new ultrarunner expectations

What Can New Ultrarunners Expect to Accomplish in Their First 1-2 Years?

As the sport of ultrarunning continues to grow, we’re welcoming quite a few new runners to ultradistance events each year. If that’s you, glad you’re here! Establishing reasonable objectives for your first ultramarathon season is a challenge we hear from many runners making the transition from marathon distance or from sports like triathlon or cycling. …

missed workout

What Runners Should Do If You Missed Training

Old man winter is here, meaning it’s time for colds, flu, and generic ‘bugs’ to knock athletes down. Days off come from illness, injury, or one of life’s myriad of curveballs. Regardless, at some point you will miss a meticulously thought out training day. Most missed training sessions can be chalked up in the ‘no …

ultramarathon gravel race

An Ultramarathon Legend’s First Gravel Cycling Race

Although I have enjoyed a quarter century of long-distance trail and ultrarunning, I actually had my first exposure to endurance sports on a bike. In the early ‘90s my wife Shelly and I spent our summers traveling the country by bicycle. Then, between 1994 and 1996 we traveled the world by bike, covering 19,000 miles …

back pain

Tips for Fixing Lower Back Pain in Ultrarunners

Back pain is a common complaint among all adults. Although active individuals (including runners) are less likely to experience lower back pain than the sedentary population, plenty of athletes and runners suffer from low back pain on a regular basis. Some of the causes relate to our activities of daily living (or lack thereof), but …

beginner training habit

How Ultrarunners Get “Progressive Overload” Wrong

When I first met my wife she was training for her very first half marathon. Like many before her and countless since, she had picked up a book from preeminent marathoner and author Jeff Galloway and organized her training around programs in the book. Galloway’s methods center around two principles: weekly progressive overload and a …

strength training for ultrarunners

Year-Round Strength Training Exercises for Ultrarunners

For many runners, the season is wrapping up and athletes are starting to look forward to the next year and new adventures, challenges, and goals. As you take stock of the season and look ahead to what is next, you may wonder if strength training is for you and how to incorporate it into your …

ultrarunning training plan

Why and How to Create a 3-Year Ultrarunning Training Plan

Although ultramarathons are, by definition, very long events compared to traditional running events, athletes rarely extend their long-range training plans accordingly. Instead of considering one year for long-range planning purposes, ultrarunners are better off working from a 3-year plan. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ long range plan. However, athletes with a multi-year vision are often more …