slumped runner silhouette

3 Fixes for Flagging Motivation

By Andy Jones-Wilkins, CTS Coach No matter an athlete’s experience level or talent there are invariably times when motivation wanes, focus is lost, and discipline sidelined.  Many times this is a perfectly normal reaction to training load and can be easily remedied with a bit of time off to regroup and recharge. But what about …


Pros and Cons of Training with Low-Carbohydrate Availability for Ultrarunning

Coaching is a push-and-pull between tradition and innovation, between “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” and “Newer is better!”. During my coaching career I’ve been on both sides of that divide, always seeking innovation but wary that innovations that sound good don’t always lead to improved performance. Training when on a low carbohydrate (CHO) regiment …