goal setting benefits

Goal Setting Benefits for Ultrarunners

By Darcie Murphy, CTS Ultrarunning Senior Coach Goal setting comes naturally to many ultrarunners and endurance athletes, almost like it’s in our DNA. If you’re resistant to setting specific goals, don’t worry. I can absolutely relate. For years I avoided New Year’s resolutions or formal goal setting sessions. I just wanted to ‘have fun’ playing …


Reframing DNFs (Did Not Finish) in Ultrarunning

By Corrine Malcolm, CTS Expert Coach, Ultrarunning Host for the Trainright Podcast When we think of DNFs (Did Not Finish), we often think of devastation or failure. We get hung up on goals not achieved and expectations not met. We wallow. Sometimes we move on quickly, but other times we pick at ourselves like a scab, asking: …

is ultrarunning unhealthy

Is Ultrarunning Bad for Long-Term Health?

By Jason Koop, Head Coach of CTS Ultrarunning Every few years, a narrative emerges that some particular level of exercise is bad for long term health. Sometimes the stories focus on the amount total volume, or the peak of intensity, or some combination thereof. And when those narratives come around, the collective athletic community takes …