sabotage training

The 4 Worst Ways Cyclists Sabotage Their Training

  By Chris Carmichael, CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer Often, the best thing cyclists can do is get out of their own way. I’ve been coaching amateur and elite athletes for more than 30 years. People have more access to quality training plans and performance data than ever before. But it takes more than …

spring training mistakes

Spring Training Mistakes Cyclists Should Avoid

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“ and “The Time-Crunched Cyclist” You cannot expect to train the same way year-round and perform at your best in a specific season. Summer sports athletes build fitness in the winter and create performance in the spring so they can win in the summer! By making …

aging athlete

4 Training Myths for Cyclists 50 and Older

  By Chris Carmichael, CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer I frequently hear senior cyclists repeating training myths that hold them back. In some cases, they are not doing something wrong in training. Rather, their beliefs about aging have narrowed their vision of what a cyclist over 50 can do. Now that I’m in my …

effective cycling workout

5 Steps for Highly-Effective Cycling Workouts

  By Chris Carmichael CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer Life is complicated, but training should not be. After coaching for decades, I spend less time worrying about the specifics of any particular interval set and more time working with athletes to optimize the execution of training. When athletes stagnate in their training, it’s often …

CTS Live screenshot with Coach Jim Rutberg

Why CTS Coaches Are Teaching Virtual Cycling Classes in 2024

    By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“ and “The Time-Crunched Cyclist” With the abundance of indoor cycling apps already available, the biggest question I get about “CTS Live” is: Why now? Why would the CTS Coaches and I launch live, coach-led virtual cycling classes in this crowded and competitive space? Having …

after a professional bike fit

What to Expect After a Professional Bike Fit

    By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“, “The Time-Crunched Cyclist” Changes to your bike fit can happen gradually and inadvertently, until one day you just don’t feel right on the bike anymore. For me, it was a combination of travel and a slowly wearing saddle. As I repeatedly disassembled and reassembled …

training boosters

Best Training Boosters for 2024

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“ and “The Time-Crunched Cyclist” There are no shortcuts to superior fitness, but there are ways to leverage the fundamentals to boost the effectiveness of training. If you have set ambitious goals for this year – and we hope that’s exactly what you’ve done – then …