saddle sores

How to prevent and treat saddle sores

Nothing ruins a great ride faster than discomfort caused by friction or pressure between you and your saddle. There’s a lot going on in your shorts: pressure from supporting a substantial portion of your bodyweight, heat and moisture from exertion and sweat, and friction from spinning your legs and scooting fore and aft on the …

cycling for weight loss

Cycling for Weight Loss: Pros, Cons, and How to Lose Weight Cycling

People use cycling to achieve various goals, including health, fitness, competition, fun and adventure. Weight loss often occurs naturally as a consequence of increased hours and miles on the bike. CTS typically approaches weight management from the perspective of improving endurance sport performance, like increasing power-to-weight ratio. However, we recognize weight loss is a primary …

bad workout

What to Do After a Bad Workout

Some workouts just don’t go like you planned. Maybe you visualized pushing the pace at the front of the group ride, or crushing that set of intervals, or spinning along smoothly for hours on end. Instead, you felt sluggish, like you were pedaling squares, or like you couldn’t get out of your own way. Crappy …

heavy strength training

Why Cyclists Benefit from Heavy Strength Training

Strength training protocols for cyclists have evolved through the years, and the current consensus at CTS is that heavy strength training is recommended for most amateur, Masters, and especially Grand Masters (60+ years old) cyclists. There are exceptions for some highly competitive cyclists and elite riders who may need to sacrifice balanced, well-rounded fitness in …

FTP test

FTP Tests: How to perform 20-Minute, 8-Minute, and Ramp Tests

  By Chris Carmichael, CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer At the beginning of a new phase of training it is important to get a snapshot of an athlete’s current fitness so you can scale training intensities appropriately. Assessing an athlete’s Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is the most utilized method because FTP testing can be …

alison tetrick 2021

Alison Tetrick: My Best Events and Experiences of 2021

By Alison Tetrick, Pro cyclist, Entrepreneur, CTS Contributing Editor Don’t start me on the jokes that 2022 sounds like 2020 “too”. Wait. It does. Ah, I remember when I started 2020, excited about my goals. I dusted off the boots and was ready. Now, here we are. 2022. Ready for something fresh and new? Maybe. …