Three Tips for Worry-Free Marathon Training

A good training program is an essential part of preparing for a marathon, and fortunately there are a plethora of sound and effective programs available to runners of all ability levels. But preparing for a successful 26.2-mile run takes more than a schedule of workouts, and the coaches at CTS got together to provide three …

Topical CTS Partnership

Press Release: Topical EDGE Partners With CTS

For Immediate Release Topical EDGE Partners With CTS To Offer Athletes Greater Performance and Recovery Potential (April 24, 2017) Topical EDGE and CTS have announced a multi-year agreement beginning immediately that will give CTS coaches, athletes, and camp participants an opportunity to train harder and recover faster with the first and only athletic performance lotion …

CC fast

Finding Your ‘Why’, and How I Found Mine

Yesterday – April 14 – was the CTS’s 17th birthday! Each year I make sure to take note of April 14 and use the occasion to reflect on the path CTS has traveled and contemplate the landscape ahead. This year I have been particularly thinking about “The Why”. Finding or reaffirming your purpose – individually …

CC Pinarello lean

How To Be An Athlete Forever

  I’ve been thinking a lot about longevity this week, probably because of the sudden passing of iconic American cyclist Steve Tilford. I met Tilly when we were juniors, raced with him on several US National Team trips, and was his teammate on the Wheaties Schwinn team. Long after most of my generation of pros …


Why “Fitness First” Needs to be Your New Mantra

    This week I came across an article in the New York Times about the University of Connecticut women’s basketball program, and it caught my attention because it highlights a subject my coaches and I have been shouting from the rooftops for years: Fitness First! The UConn Huskies are 34-0 this season with only …


7 Things Cyclists Know to be True

I’ve been a cyclist for more than 40 years and the longer I ride the more I realize there are some truths that are simply inescapable. If you’re a cyclist you’ve undoubtedly experienced most, if not all, of these: 1. Flats Happen in Threes I don’t know why but I swear it’s true. Actually, I …

cycling fixes

Don’t Make This Early-Season Mistake

  “Calories cannot create fitness.” That’s what I heard as I was passing by the office of CTS Premier Coach Jason Koop. Later in the day I asked him what he meant, and he replied that one of his athletes had jumped into a half-Ironman on a whim, well before he was prepared for that …