meditation vanlife

Meditation for Athletes: A Daily Path to Being a “Good” Athlete

By Syd Schulz CTS Athlete and MTB Pro I’ve learned a lot about being an athlete through meditation. Or rather, I’ve learned a lot about being an athlete through the process of failing and succeeding and failing and succeeding to cultivate a daily meditation practice over the past two years. I’ve learned to let go …


Weight Vests for Ultramarathon Training

  At some point during the process of coaching an ultramarathon runner, the subject of weight vests invariably comes up. More generally, the question is whether adding external resistance is beneficial for improving ultramarathon performance. Natural Resistance Running up and down hills is the most common and sport-specific way runners add resistance and build leg …


From Hinault to Froome: Team Leadership at the Tour de France

By Chris Carmichael CEO/Head Coach of CTS One of the most persistent questions throughout the 2018 Tour de France was: ‘Who is the leader of Team Sky?’ It is not that uncommon for a team to bring more than one rider capable of challenging for the yellow jersey, but it is uncommon for both general …

downhill running Koop

Tips for Better Downhill Running in Ultramarathons

  By Jason Koop Author “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” Columnist for “Ultrarunning Magazine” Ultrarunners inherently understand there’s a difference between the mechanics of running uphill and running downhill. When you look deeper into the biomechanics of ultrarunning, it is apparent there are really four distinct disciplines within the sport: uphill running, downhill running, flat running, …

sprint attack

Cycling Training to Accelerate or Attack on Climbs

  In the real world, whether you are riding uphill on paved or gravel roads, mountain bike trails, or in a triathlon, you have to have more than one speed. As much as I love power meters and training with power, an unfortunate side effect is that many athletes focus so intently on improving sustainable …